Well I don't know what to call this but it can't be untitled part 7

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 POV Dex (surprise surprise I shan't forget Dex )

Today is the day I'm going to tell the gang about my girlfriend. I still can't believe I have a girlfriend.

I glance at the Disneyland watch Soph gave me for midterms. Holy crap! 20 minutes until Foxfire. I have to scramble around my room pulling the uniform over my head, it was still as ridiculous as ever.

Dashing downstairs I start shoveling breakfast into my mouth. I look at my watch again, 1 minute and I'm only half-way done with my breakfast oh well. Thank god the Leapmaster is on this floor otherwise I would definitely be late.

As I glitter into view on Foxfire's grounds and set off running skidding into the hall just as the announcements begin.

After the announcements the levels disperse and I head off to my freaky boring sessions planning on how I'm going to introduce my girlfriend to the group over lunch.

I walk up to our table with my girlfriend on my arm.

" Hey guys I want you to meet my girlfriend-" I am cut off by Keefe.

" Ooooohhhhh Dexy's got a girl." Keefe teases.

" Yes and as I was trying to tell you before her name is Petra and she is a Guster." I say gesturing to the beautiful girl with frizzy blonde curls and a light tan, her sea blue eyes fixed on the group.

" Okay, You are Sophie Foster the Black Swan's Moonlark and most powerful elf alive. up until recently the Queen of oblivion, since that wore off you've been girlfriend to Keefe Sencen." She says looking directly at Sophie, who was nodding along. " And you are Keefe Sencen boyfriend of Sophie Foster, foxfire badboy, terrible parents and a rocky past, broken on the inside but hides it with jokes." Keefe's eyes widen in shock and then he applauds.

" Well now I know not to get on your badside. You know more than Marella." Keefe says still a little shocked.

" Yes. now moving on, Fitzroy Avery Vacker is more commonly known as Fitz, Wonderboy, Fitzy, and Ritz Cracker. You have some anger issues but mean well, a little crushed by high expectations, still crushing on Sophie so you remain a single pringle in hopes she will date you."

At this Fitz turns a little red.

" Marella Redeck, Foxfire's largest gossip. Obsession with love lives though you lack one yourself and you are an unregistered Pyrokinetic." Petra leaned in and whispered the last fact. " Biana Vacker AKA princess prettypants, you have an obsession with fashion and other peoples love lives and are reluctant to talk about your own." At this Biana nods in agreement. " Next up Tam Song AKA The Salt you are a moody shade with parent issues and you act tough both is a softy on the inside." 

Tam who up until now has been scrolling on his imparter looks up at Petra as if surveying her before saying, " Huh," and looking back down.

" Linh Song Tam's twin, you have a cheerful disposition and a love of animals, you are also Wylie Endal's girlfriend." At this moment Tam chokes on his lushberry juice before staring at Linh with the kind of stare that says we will talk about this later. As Petra finishes about Linh  Wylie comes up and she turns around. " Perfect, Wylie Endal who as a child your parents became... indisposed so Tiergan the famous retired Telepathy mentor adopted you, you hold grudges and are Linh Songs boyfriend." After this monologue Wylie looks incredibly uncomfortable his uneasiness only grows as Tam glares daggers at him. " Oh sorry, Petra Sandoval." My girlfriend says holding out her hand.

" Uh Wylie Endal though you seem to know that already." Wylie says shaking her hand and relaxing. 

" Well Petra welcome to the group." Sophie says sliding closer to Keefe to make room for her as I take my usual seat and Wylie takes his.

" Thanks, Sophie I hope I have all my facts straight about all of you." Petra says, " If not you'll have to blame Dex he told me everything." She finishes and I laugh.

That moment the loud speaker comes on. " Surprise surprise there's a Foxfire ball, now al of you to the study hall." ( I'm alot less funny than I think I am ) 

" EEEEEEEEEE!" Biana squeals. " This is perfect tomorrow at 9:30 us girls should meet at Atlantis to go shopping."

" Nooooooo Keeeeeffe save me." Sophie wails.

" No way Foster I like you in a dress." Keefe says smirking.

" You're saying Sophie doesn't look good all the time." Fitz bumps in clearly trying to win Soph over.

" Of course not Fitzy I just like seeing her dressed up even though she is gorgeous all the time." Keefe says smiling softly at Soph with love in his eyes. 

" Tammy we have to go to the ball together." Biana states. Tam nods his head only half listening, he's to busy glaring at Wylie whose arm is around Linh to be paying attention,

" Of course Wylie will go with me won't you Wylie?" Linh asks Quietly.

" Always." Wylie Responds with a smile.

" So that leaves Sophie with me, Dex with Petra and Keefe and Marella will have to find dates." Fitz says.

" No Fitz that leaves Dex with Petra, and me with Keefe." Sophie softly corrects. 

" Fine, Marella want to go to the ball with me?" Fitz asks.

Marella shoots Fitz a weird look.

" As friends, as friends." Fitz says quickly.

Marella nods. " Sure."

With that we head to the study hall I looked at my girlfriend the whole way.

this was not proof read


Okay another chapter but this one comes with a question

What should Petra and Dex's ship name be

1 Petrex

2 Detra

3 Pex

and sorry I missed an update.

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