Chapter 12

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Husker didn't sleep for hours. Instead, he stayed awake watching over Angel as he dreamed, holding him and thinking of what he could possibly do to help. He didn't even know what had actually happened, and the possibilities bombarded him with nigh nightmarish thoughts of what the spider might have been put through. When he finally did fall asleep, it was full of restless thought describing horrible things befalling the spider. By morning Husker felt no better than he had the night before

Opening his eyes, he found that Angel was still curled up in his arms, fast asleep. Outside, the sound of rain tapped against the window behind the think black out curtains that blocked the sunlight. He didn't know what time it was, and he didn't particularly care. All that he was concerned about was Angel. Lightly petting a finger down the arachnid's cheek, his mind wandered back in time once more to the night it had all started.

Stepping inside the motel room, he waited to close the door and lock it before turning to face the blond. The man was slowly wandering around the cheap room, lightly running a finger over the surfaces as he went. Watching him for a few moments, John took the man in. He was tall and lanky, but he wasn't exactly a bean pole. He could tell there was some muscle under those clothes, they just weren't obvious through the layers. "So... you do this often?" It was less of a question, and more of a curious statement. Cringing, John pushed off the door where he'd been leaning and crossed the room.

"Maybe once or twice before." He, himself glanced around the room. "I know it's not as fancy as someone like yourself is probably used to but... honestly it's one of the cleanest places in the city." The blond smiled.

"Trust me, I've been in so much worse. It's not that bad here. It's cozy." Stepping up to the other man, he hesitated before lightly petting a finger down his cheek.

"Cozy, and nobody here asks questions or cares. Real name, or fake, man, woman, both, or neither, they don't snoop. All they care about is money." Tony smiled.

"Good. We wouldn't want anyone spreading rumors, now would we?" Sliding the backs of his fingers along the blond's jaw line, he ended up burying them in the curled locks, reveling in the feel of the thick strands as they tangled around his digits. Tony was barely shorter than him, and their close height made it much easier to get lost in the warmth of the mocha eyes before him.

"Nope." He breathed the word, too distracted by his raging thoughts to focus on much more. The other man relaxed against him and John noticed his lips part with a soft, shallow inhale. They were just full enough to provide the perfect amount of cushion for his own, and he wanted to feel it. "This is what you want, right?" One more time, just one more and he wouldn't hesitate again. He swore it. Tony smiled and carefully maneuvered them around before grabbing his hand and walking backwards. The blond guided him toward the bed and sat down on the edge.

"Do you know how many times you've asked me that since we left the train station?" John hummed and buried his fingers in those wild locks.

"Is it bad to want to be sure you haven't changed your mind?" Tony grabbed his waist and pulled him close, running his palms up John's sides before sliding them onto his back.

"I ain't changed my mind." And that was all he needed to hear. Leaning down, he stole those lush lips and let the taste go to his head. It was a hint of the beer from earlier, the cigarette they'd smoked on the way, and something sweet he couldn't quite place. Tony shifted backward, but their kiss wasn't broken. Crawling on top of the man, he grabbed at his jacket and was practically ripping it off of him to discard it on the floor. Sliding each button through it's mooring felt like such a waste of time, but he refused to damage the man's clothes. Once John felt the other man's skin, he had to restrain a moan. It was as soft as silk, and damn near flawless. The heat that sank into his flesh from the blond went rushing through his veins and up to his head. Entangling their tongues, he started in on the man's belt, but he stopped when Tony started in on his own clothes.

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