Chapter 10

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"Okay, so we have one more meeting tonight with them and then tomorrow we-" His brother stopped and looked over at him. Al crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes on him, but Tony stayed with his actions. "What are you doing?" He continued to lay on the bed, holding his stomach and cringing.

"I feel like shit. Musta been something I ate." He made sure to groan while he spoke. Al stepped up to the bed and looked him over, feeling his forehead for a fever as he did.

"Well, you don't feel hot." Tony groaned again.

"Seriously, you feel fine? I think I'm gonna puke." His brother sighed and shook his head.

"I feel okay, but I also ate something different. Maybe that sandwich wasn't a good idea." The man sat down on the edge of the bed as Tony shook his head.

"I ain't going anywhere, Al. If I fucking stand, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna mess up the carpet." The heavy sigh that came from his brother was almost a tell tale sign that the man was breaking. He watched as his brother thought over the whole thing and finally caved.

"Okay, how's about I go to the meeting and you stay here and rest off whatever he fuck this is, huh?" He patted a hand on Tony's shoulder and Tony made sure to nod weakly in response. "Alright, I'm gonna go get ready for that meeting. We'll see if this shit is gone by tomorrow, but that means that you gotta get some rest, got it? If I come back to find you doing some bullshit something or other around here like dancing around in your underwear, I'm gonna beat your ass." Tony held his hands up and nodded again with the same weak cadence. Watching his brother head into the bathroom to get ready for the second meeting, he smiled and checked the time. They'd been here for two days now, and the first one had been noting but the single meeting in the bar. Tonight's meeting would last longer, he knew that, and would be a bit more in depth. He doubted the men would be stupid enough to try anything, after all they were talking with the Don Delucci's eldest son. If they dared lay a hand on Al, they would be in for a war unlike anything they'd prepared for.

It didn't take Al long to finish getting ready and head out, leaving Tony alone. Just to make sure that his brother wasn't going to come back for anything, he waited for roughly an hour, still pretending to be sick. When he was sure the coast was clear, he jumped out of bed and got himself ready. Heading out came with a rush of freedom he hadn't felt in the longest time; not since he'd snuck out as a teenager. Waling around the town, he was suddenly happy he wasn't as directionally challenged as some people he knew, otherwise this would be an awful idea. He didn't even know if what he wanted was a possibility, since he was going based on a single look.

But what a look it had been from the cutie at the bar. He could still clearly see those hazel eyes looking him over and meeting his gaze. He may be closeted, but even he knew what a look like that meant. At least... he hoped he did. He didn't think the guy had noticed, but he'd sneaked a few peeks at him while his brother and the others had talked shop. The man was tall, and well built, even if he wasn't an Adonis of a man. His pitch black hair looked like it might have been slicked back at the beginning of the day, but by then it had been messed up, possibly by stress. Tony had noticed the man's large hands too, as he held his beer bottle, and they somehow had captured his attention long enough that Al had kicked him under the table for it. While his brother didn't know what went through his poisoned mind, he could tell when Tony was distracted.

Finding the bar where it was tucked away, he tried to slip inside without drawing any attention. Thankfully, he did, but only because there were a few more people there today than the day before. Where yesterday there had been maybe five patrons the entire time they'd been there, today the bar was packed full of people shouting, laughing, and chatting it up. He couldn't even see the other side of the room with how busy it was, which only led him to start regretting his decision. What was the likelihood that Mr. Sexy was here to begin with? There was no way he was gonna find his dream guy so easily. Not to mention the possibility of the guy even swinging his way. Sighing, he could already tell this whole venture was futile.

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