Chapter 21

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Coming down to the lobby after a cold shower and getting dressed, in actual clothing, Husker stopped behind the bar to grab a few things. His wallet, keys, and the agreed upon gift from Alastor were the only things he needed before heading toward the door. "Wait, where are you going?" Husker stopped and turned to look at the women where they were standing by the couch.

"Out." He didn't see a reason to be any more specific with them than he had to. For plausible deniability, of course. As he turned to make his way out the door, he heard Vaggie step closer.

"Wait, don't you have to man the front desk? Alastor told you to do that, right? Or... are you just allowed to ignore that?" He looked back at her, but he didn't get the chance to answer. Seated on the couch, reading through some of the hotel's paper work, was Alastor himself. The radio demon cleared his throat and looked up at Husker. The look was subtle, something the girls wouldn't have noticed, but he did, and he knew what it meant. Alastor wasn't mad about what Husker had done, he was mad that he'd fallen for it. He was going to play the bigger man, though, and let it go; that much was clear.

"Husker can do what he likes." The women looked at the radio demon in confusion.

"Wait, what do you mean Husker can do what he likes?" Charlie sounded the most confused in the room.

"Husker is free. Our contract is over, and so..." The man shrugged and motioned to him nonchalantly. "He can do as he pleases, when he pleases, and where." The women looked shocked, but Husker wasn't. That was his plan all night. When he'd made the deal with Alastor, all those years ago, they'd agreed that the contract would be nullified if Husker admitted he was in love. Since he'd spent all his time insisting that he not only wasn't in love, but couldn't love anyone but Tony. Nowhere in there did it say it had to be a new love. His contract had been broken the moment he'd told Angel he loved him. This also meant that their previous amendment that any angelic weapons that Alastor had provided Husker with couldn't be used on Alastor himself, was also nullified. Not that Husker had a reason to, of course. "The lesson here, ladies and gentlemen, is to never gamble with a card shark. You'll lose in the end."

Nodding to the others, he turned and headed out of the hotel and down the street. Once he was clear enough, Husker opened his wings and took flight. The trip to the casino was short, but made longer as he avoided the news helicopter and a few spotlights pointed up. When he landed, he quickly fixed himself and took a look around to make sure the coast was clear. His hair slicked back, dressed in a well fitted black suit and tie, with no hat, he swore he looked like a different person. Stepping out onto the street, he started the trek to the casino and growled lowly when he saw the large crowd of paparazzi, film crews, and on lookers outside.

Ducking into a side entrance, his own personal entry that had been built into the building, he entered into a hallway with doors leading to various places. One led right out onto the floor, one to his office in the back, another behind the large bar, and another was to a bathroom. The last few doors were to various locker rooms for the employees, a lounge room for them, and a kitchen as well. Not the official kitchen of the casino, that had it's own separate entrance not connected to his "tunnels", but a smaller personal kitchen for the employees to use on their breaks. At the end of the hallway, to the side of his office, was a set of stairs going up, and that was his goal. Almost immediately as he walked in the door, he spotted Erlmat coming towards him. The lizard was tall and built solidly, with a tail that was barely held above the floor, and a long snout. He was orange with a black face and black splotches and stripes all over his body. Dressed in the same simple black suit and tie as Husker, he bore a nametag, while Husker didn't, because he didn't need one. "Mr. Husker, I wasn't aware you would be here tonight. Should I tell the guests?" Husker shook his head.

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