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"C'mon y/n" Ms. Venable said walking out the building, as I ran after her holding a pile of folders, "wait how about my car???" I asked, "leave it here, I'll bring you home and tomorrow I'll pick you up" the guard open the back door for her, she went in. I went into her black Mercedes, she showed the location to driver. "Where are going?" "Your house" she smiled, "you know my house?" I asked, she was hesitant at first but then "your file" she said, I nodded slowly.

It was a quiet ride, after 30mins we arrived in front of my house, "thanks Ms. Venable" I opened the door, "So I'll be back at 7" she said, "okay, see yah later Ms. Venable" I got out the call, the window rolled down "see you later Y/n" she winked and the car drove off.

As I walked to my front door, I saw something on the ground. El's necklace.

I picked it up and unlocked the door, went up to my room. I checked my phone again to see if El response to my text but no and it said she said she hadn't online for 24h now.

I don't know if she really went to Italy, I shake the thought of my mind and back to my Ms.Venable.

I don't know what is it about this woman, she seems like a person you shouldn't mess with but all when you cry, she would hug you and whisper sweet nothing.

I think I like Ms. Venable.

[time skip]

I walked out the shower and started drying my hair,  and my phone buzzed, I picked it up and saw it's from El. "I need sometimes for myself and you should stop texting me, Y/n let me tell you something I don't even like you, every time you came up and talk to me I'm felt so annoyed and your armpits smells like fish food" I was shocked like a fucking lightning just struck me right in the ass.

I couldn't believe El would say something like that, just because we kissed it's not like I try to rape her. The Fuck.

I went in front of the mirror raise my arm and sniff.
Bitch my armpits smells like heaven, I used expensive deodorant.

I did my make up and picked out a short violet sleeveless dress. I let my hair fall over my below my shoulders. Looked at the clock and it's 6:58am.

I walked down the stairs, put on a pair of black heels and wait for Ms. Venable.

Your armpits smells like fish food, smells like fish foods, fish foods, fish foods. what El said is playing over and over again in my head, it's echo through each corner of my little brain making me want to jump off a cliff. Wait I can't do that I'm about to go on a date with Ms. Venable. Is it a date. Yes it is.

Fish foods, fish foods, fish foods.  STOP IT Y/n.

My phone rang and it's Ms. Venable, I picked it up,
"I'm here" she said with a sexy tone, "I'm coming Ms. Venable" I said almost moaned out her name. Jesus Christ Y/n. Before I left the house I sniff my armpits one last time. Okay heaven. And left.

I got in the car, "you look gorgeous in that dress" she smirked staring at my thigh, "thank you and so do you" I bite my lip, my cheeks went red as I turned looking out the window. The driver started driving.

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