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"What did you just said???" Mina repeated, "It was me who killed Flora... and wrote that in your diary..." she looked down, "Vanessa? you aware of what you're saying?" Mina asked, tears making it way down her cheeks.

"I just want mom to love me" she said and started sobbing, "tell me this is not real JUST TELL ME THIS IS NOT REAL" Mina dropped the gun, "why" Mina whispered, Vanessa stayed still.

"I'm sorry Mina I knew I've went the wrong way, can't you see now that I'm trying to make things right" Vanessa said looking at Mina, "make things right!? really? Really Van?" I couldn't believe this or whatever this is, what the actual fuck is going on.

"I PROTECTED YOU" Van raised her voice at Mina, "PROTECT ME!? YOUR INSANE VANESSA" Mina slapped her.

"JESUS CHRIST MINA CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE CHANGED AND I WANTED TO PROTECT YOU!!?!?" Van stood up, Mina picked up the gun and pointed at Van, "what the fuck Mina", I saw a knife under the table, maybe someone dropped it last night, I went down slowly and grabbed it, Mina turned to her father then pulled the trigger. I throw the knife and it went right in the guard left eye, Mina shot him right through his head. Three dead body laying on the floor.

[Venable pov]
Van looked at me, I wiped away my tears, "oh come on you thought I didn't know about that??" I laughed, "I knew it I always have and it's quite worried me sometimes that you're so nice to your own sister" I said sitting down, "so you forgive me?" Vanessa asked quietly, "yeahhh of course I forgive you, I love you Van" she smiled, sitting down next to me.

We hugged, "and did you know who killed your pathetic little boyfriend, I did" I pulled away, she gave me a confused look, "I killed him right after I saw you wrote it" I brought the gun to her head, "there's nothing I hate more than betrayal" as I finished, the bullet went through her brain.

Another dead body.

"Mina..." I turned to her sweet voice, "yes baby?" I grinned at her, "what are we gonna do with the body?" She walked to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "I'll have someone take care of it" I kissed her force, my poor baby, she's shaking.

[y/n pov]
"I think we need a vocation" I whispered into her neck, "anything you want" she said, I brought our lips together.

I didn't ask, I didn't know what to ask, I didn't want to ask, because what's the point of asking if I don't want to know. The only thing that matters is that she love me and I love her.

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