Chapter 50: Raven Barbie

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" are as strong as your weaknesses..."

Sinclair's POV
My father used to say that settling for anything less than what is required will bring nothing but bitter dissatisfaction. I paid a top notch lawyer double what her retainer usually costs to get Keira out of police custody and into my custody. I'm gravely disappointed by the outcome of the hearing.

"This is not what I wanted." I told her flatly when she walked into the hotel suite. "I was abundantly clear that I want Keira released and not incarcerated in a county jail! Wasn't I clear?"

"Mr Sinclair, first things first, don't shout at me." She placed her bag on the sofa. "Secondly, the case went downhill when the gun was found and proof that she fired it was discovered. I'm working sources within the police force to give more information because the detective is holding out. Until then, the most I can do is appeal for another bail  hearing."

"She's pregnant. If I'm not mistaken, the first trimester is delicate. Isn't it?"

"I suppose. I'm not a mother." She frowned.

"Neither am I but I'm not ignorant." I told her. I paced back and forth. I dint care if Nick is the father. I care that there's a life growing inside her and she will lose it if she's not well cared for. She has already seen enough grief and doesn't need this.

"Excuse me for asking but is it yours?" My eyes shifted to Taylor. Sometimes I just don't trust her.

"Yes. It's mine."

"Huh! I didn't see that coming." She scratched her head. "I will go speak to judge right now. I'll uh... get back to you."

"Rose, pay anyone who needs to be paid. I don't like how this thing looks. It's rigged. I just can't put my finger where the source of the rigging is but we have to play by their rules."

"Pay offs it is." She agreed.

After she left Taylor came to me. "You are going to be a father."

"Are you going to call Martin and tell him?" I asked her.

"It was a one off thing Theo and he cornered me!"

Martin is the man in control of my inheritance. He will only release it to me if my father's terms are met. I should be married and I should father an heir. That's the only way I get my inheritance.

The intention was to marry Margaux, get her pregnant and be done with it. I like her because she lacks the ability to love. I don't want to get attached to anyone or anything. I just want to get my inheritance. I have changed my mind about Margaux. I came to Manhattan to look for Keira. On that same day, Margaux was trashing her on television. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or that it's meant to be but I was here just when I needed to be here.

Keira is a sweetheart. She deserves better than this. If Nick will no longer be in the picture then I'm stepping in. I'm laying out an investment with every move I make so that at the end of this, her gratitude will be the reason she will choose me. I have more to gain if it goes my way.

"Go tell him I got a woman pregnant. Go tell him that. Remove yourself from my personal space."

She backed away.

I need to get Keira out of jail. Maybe the detective and I should have a conversation.

Keira's POV
My mother used to say that I don't look good in orange. Accordi to her, I'm too pale for orange. She should see me now. She will probably say I look like an orange in the snow. I still don't understand what that means.

Balotelli-Bale Series Book #4: THE OTHER MAN PART 1Where stories live. Discover now