I had gotten drunk fast. The party was packed. I knew that the human people I went to school with loved alcohol and they got drunk quickly compared to the loads I had to consume. I wanted to get drunk so I could remember that my going away party was so great I woke up the next day with patches in my memory.
Those are the best drunks. Unless you know you actually need to remember something that happened that day. Then that sucks for you but oops. It didn't suck for me.
"Hasn't been three hours and you're already shitfaced." I laughed at Julian and his stern reaction to my drunkenness. He had gotten here late and when he discovered my shitfacedness he flipped. He was always protective of me especially when I was in vulnerable states but since yesterday I knew he would be extremely protective because of the feelings of his wolf.
"I am not shitfaced!" which was true, I was definitely drunk, but not embarrassing myself drunk, more like the girl you take hella pics with because she's a vibe drunk.
He smiled at me. "You look pretty," he said in my ear. I smiled at him. "Thanks!" I took a sip of my drink and looked up when I saw a familiar face along the partygoers. "Hey hold on one sec, I'll be back!" I yelled over the party music and walked toward the kitchen. I walked right up to her.
"Hey!" she was wearing party clothes, yet she was still in black. It seemed like black was her thing, I looked at her nails. She wasn't gothic at all, her face bore makeup. but it was radiant and lively- nothing of her seemed dark, but her clothing. In fact, she reminded me a bit of Cali.
"Hi Keri," she smiled. I nodded awkwardly.
"Yeah, so earlier...where'd you like go? I turned around and you had basically vanished..." I said laughing.
"And I kid you not guy, she blinked at me and disappeared into thin air." I slurred.
"Come on drunk girl. Let's get you home." Julian picked me up and I squealed as Blake opened the door putting me inside.
"She's a mood." Tiffany one of our friends laughed as she recorded me smiling with a bottle of Pepsi I had been begging for for the last twenty minutes.
"it's so cold..." I cheered.
"This was like Blake's birthday last year in the Jeep!" Stacy laughed.
"Except I was the one recording with MY CAMERA!" I yelled obnoxiously loud.
They all laughed. I remembered falling asleep in the car as Blake dropped our friends off at their dorms.
"Come on Kare, you're home." Blake said waking me.
"Yay! I miss Cali," I cheered only to look outside and see we were still at school.
"You wanna go to that home?" I nodded looking up to him.
"Life in my town is close. You have friends you've known since before you could walk, everyone knows you. News travels fast but it's great because everyone looks out for one another."
"Why'd you wanna leave that?" He asked walking me to the car.
"Because I told Cali the truth and my parents flipped."
"You should've asked them." He said frowning. I felt the tears from the pain resurface.
"I know but she just...she already knew. I know she did." I whispered the last part so low only a wolf could hear it. I always struggled with that. Did I do the right thing in telling her? Or did I create an invisible crack in our family? After that things weren't the same.

Mated by Chance
WerewolfFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...