After Roman and I's intense make out session I decided to put some distance between us and I went to find Rave. I was a little confused by the story that Roman had given to me and I just felt obligated to tell Rave the information I found out. I had questions. And I also had to warn her that I would be welcoming the man that broke her and tried to force her to kill me, into my future pack in less than twenty four hours.
Rave had been given a job on the reservation that she could work on her off hours that she had working at the high school. She was an official adviser which in the pack was basically like a council member. I could tell she actually liked her job in the pack and off the reservation. I was happy to see her fitting in here and she actually seemed happy to be settling down and living in one spot. She was becoming responsible in the last few weeks that I've been around her, I've seen a different person than I had seen my entire life. Rave was always the bad mom, the irresponsible one, the party girl who didn't own a single maternal bone in her body. But now, living with her and seeing her everyday, I was watching her grow and I felt that maybe she just needed to grow along side me.
I had walked a few feet closer and she looked up immediately and locked glances with me. She smiled. Rave was a beautiful woman. She had bright red hair that was now reaching mid back. She let her hair fall in natural waves that mirrored my own brown locks. We had the same full lips and similar hazel eyes. I even inherited her cheek bones and slender figure.
I returned her smile and approached her, timid, trying to figure out how I would tell her that Regan was coming."You look upset." She said standing from her spot on the couch. I shook my head.
"What's going on here?" I asked looking around the busy staff room.
"They're planning your mating ritual. They want everything to be perfect." I swallowed at the thought of the mating ritual. I was very nervous. I was usually the reserved girl. The quiet one who kept to her group of friends. I never cared for diplomacy or popularity. I was fine with my life just fine before I...
I froze. Before I met Roman. But my life now wasn't bad. It was good. I was happy. I was just being pushed out of my comfort zone, which is a little anxious for a person like me who loves control.
"Are you nervous!" She teased. I shot her a side glance and scoffed. She relaxed her face and smiled softly before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the busy staff room.
"Where are we going?" I asked after a while.
"Somewhere quiet. We need to talk about something." She said seriously.
"I've been wanting to talk to about something too actually..." I mumbled feeling slightly nervous. We came to a patch before the forest and sat down. She faced me.
"I haven't always been a good role model." She started.
"You've been great"-
"Don't bullshit me Kare," she said cutting me off. "I wasn't there for your first birthday. I didn't see your first steps. I wasn't your first word. I didn't teach you how to ride a bike or how to French braid your hair. I didn't even teach you about the wolf world." She looked at her hands in shame. "I just pushed you out and gave up on you." She looked in my eyes. "And you didn't deserve that." I swallowed. I had never seen Rave in a vulnerable state ever. And right now she looked like she could cry.
"When your biological father left me, I was broken. I was hurt. I was angry and I was jealous. I couldn't express my feelings. I was young. I didn't know any better. I didn't have a good family. I didn't have friends. I just had him and then I thought I had you, my own family...I went to tell him about you and he was ecstatic."
"But I thought"-
She nodded cutting me off. "Yes he did ask me to have an abortion but I never told you the full story." She paused. "Regan was a great guy. He was the kind of guy that made everyone happy and for his position, that wasn't easy. He wasn't arrogant or spiteful. He was kind hearted and good. And he chose me. The first time I saw him I was eleven years old. I was in the biology lab after school for detention. I refused to dissect a frog." I laughed.
"Sounds like you." She nodded laughing at her childhood self.
"I was stubborn. Anyway, he walked in because I guess he needed tutoring and was too prideful to ask for help by students so he'd come in later and be tutored by our teacher when everyone had gone home. But instead of finding Mr.Fischer, he found me." She smiled at the memory.
"He stayed with me for the remainder or my detention and I turns out I was really good at biology. I began to tutor him and then our tutoring sessions moved from the biology lab to my house, to his house, to my room, to his room and eventually we started to like each other. He was my first crush, my first love, my first everything. It was real. I thought he was my mate. The love I felt for him was insane....when I told him about you. He was happy. He was beyond happy. He promised me the world but all he had to do was go on a hunting trip with his father in some Northern Territory. He was gone a week." Her tone changed.
"When he came back, his first stop was to see me but he was different." She sighed. "I knew just by the way he looked at me...the light was gone. Her broke down in front me and all he could do was apologize and apologize. He kept telling me that it wasn't suppose to happen, he didn't plan it." I saw her eyes water as she blinked rapidly. "But when I asked who she was, his eyes lit as he explained the she was the alphas daughter of the pack they were hunting with from up north. He couldn't help but to love her. He asked if I would consider an abortion because he knew how alphas "bastards" were treated. But I told him that you were different and that just because you were made by his mate, you were conceived out of love." She smiled at me.
"Your parents were in my home town looking for a fertility specialist. I was so lost and depressed. I had lost my best friend. My love. And it felt like I was losing my life. Regan accepted his mate and he showed her off like a trophy. It made me sick. So sick, I actually started to hate everything about myself. I hated being a wolf. And eventually I considered his offer. I was outside of a doctors office when I saw your mom balling her eyes out and she kept mumbling about how she just wanted a baby..."
I was quiet for a while. "You left out the part about Regan being an alpha himself." I spoke up. She found my eyes with a shocked expression.
"Roman's dad is Regan's best friend. Apparently Regan has been looking for me for years...Roman invited him here." I paused to see her reaction. "I wanted to talk to you about it. To let you know."
"He's coming here?" She asked in shock. I nodded.
"I don't want you to run." I admitted. "If you don't want me to meet him. I won't. I swear. We can leave for the whole time he's here"-
"No. We won't." She said simply.
I frowned in confusion. "We're gonna introduce you to your father."

Mated by Chance
WerewolfFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...