"Cara Mi..." I heard the sweet sound of my mate as I felt the light of the outside world disturbing whatever dimension of peace I had found myself previously subdued to. I flexed my eyelids to adjust to the tsunami of flight flooding in to the brief blasts of bliss I got with every closing of the blinds to my soul. I sighed, feeling the air that felt trapped in my lungs flow out into world around me. It was white; severely white and bright in this room. I winced, finally being able to see. Roman's were the first pair of eyes I settled upon in the room. I blinked, taking him in. He had cuts, on his face and torso, but they looked to be fine. The most pain he was wearing seemed to be in his eyes as he looked at me. I looked around the room. I was in a bed in the infirmary. I turned to my right to see an IV in my arm with fluids.
"How are you feeling, my love?" I swallowed and opened my mouth to speak but what cut off by the thirst in my throat. Roman quickly reached to his side and brought a plastic cup of water to my lips. "Easy..." he teased as I began to jug it down, almost grabbing the cup from his hand.
"I'm okay." I said, now feeling grateful for that water.
"You remember what happened yesterday?" I felt my heart stop and my head tilt. Rave died yesterday. The baby.
I felt something in me snap. "Where's the baby?"
"Right here." Gabrielle said walking into the room with a swollen belly. "It was quite the surprise when I woke up, but I understand why you didn't tell me....with Lucina always watching." I looked at her belly. Mesmerized. He was safe. I felt my eyes burn with unshed tears and I blinked rapidly.
"Thank you for keeping him safe." I said looking into her eyes. I meant it. She had done the job I could not for a short period of time. I would forever owe her.
"Well, I know you miss the belly, so whenever you are ready." she sat on to the bed. "I'll be right here for the switch."
"I'm sorry for not telling you"-
"I would not have told me either. Imagine if she had known...besides, I missed this feeling." she said smiling sadly. I yearned for her, wishing there was something I could do to help her. I was taking away the baby that was in her stomach for the second time. I had thought of her as a convenience to the cause but I did not think of how hard that would be for her relive. I swallowed, missing the swell of my belly, but wanting to help Gabrielle.
"Can you do me a favor and keep him safe for one more day?" her eyes lit up.
"Of course I can." she smiled. I watched as Roman eyed me in confusion. I smiled at him, reassuring him that it was okay.
Gabrielle took my hand, pulling my attention from Roman's brown orbs, "I am so sorry for your loss Kara." I swallowed my emotions away as I remembered the life being sucked out of Rave right in front of me. Her body falling helplessly to the ground, I thought her new found mate and the short time they had together. She short time she had to be happy. I thought of the progress she had made in so little time. I yearned for her to be there, with me. I wished for another hug, for her to brush the hair off of my forehead as I cried. I wanted one more movie night. I wanted her to meet her grandson.
I felt my eyes swell with tears.
"My mom was in a coma," I blurted. "And now this." I spat. "How...how is this life?" I asked. I felt Roman's arms encircle me as he and Gabrielle comforted me.
"Let me." I heard Regan's voice and immediately looked up at him. His eyes were red and his nose puffy, the only signs of his emotions about today. Roman eyed me, I nodded giving him the okay to leave the room. He escorted Gabrielle out and then, it was just the two of us. "I know how you feel right now, watching that...I...I watched my mom die in front of me." he admitted sniffing. He walked over to the bed I was on and sat down.
"And it...it's like it played on HD in my head...making it feel like I would never be okay again, and for a long time I wasn't because I ignored how it made me feel because it was a lot to feel....a lot of pain to feel and anger, but no one knew how I feel. No one knew what I saw...how I saw it."
He looked me in the eyes. "You can feel how ever you want to feel right now, but you did good. You...you protected your pack and you protected your family, and I never....never want you to feel like you failed Rave because you did not. Rave wanted to protect her sister....she had to try one last time. She chose to try to talk to Lucina. Rave knew the consequences of coming out to that fight and she was willing to do it. We all were...you were."
I leaned into his arm and let myself feel the pain, to really feel the loss. I cried until my body shook me more than the realization that I would never see her again.
"Let it out." he said crying into my hair. I cried knowing, as I lost one parent, I was grateful to finally have another.

Mated by Chance
Hombres LoboFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...