"You have been a ray of sunshine lately," I turned to Blake and instantly turned away. I had been keeping my distance from him, as well as a few secrets. It was hard for me to completely open up to him about everything going on in my life, I was...dealing with some things that I didn't want judgement on, and my best friend was honest. He was going to tell his truth, and all I wanted was his approval.
"Hey, enough of that." he grabbed my shoulder. "What did I do?" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair holding my palm over my head to keep the sun out of my face.
"Nothing," I paused. "I'm just hot." I lied. His eyebrows furrowed but his face softened.
"Something happened...tell me." he pleaded.
I stared at him in thought. I opened my mouth but closed it. I was afraid. I instantly felt sad, the pregnancy emotions were coming to a head and I blinked.
"Hey," he said softly. "Kare, I won't get mad at you for anything, you know that?" I nodded and I did.
"I'm engaged." I whispered. I slowly looked up to his eyes. He was smiling.
"I know." I looked at him in confusion. "The big guy actually is pretty cool...Walk with me?" I nodded feeling suddenly lighter in weight. He knew...he was happy...him and Roman were cool?" I fell in step with him walking alongside the school that held the young children; irony, I swallowed. I had told him one truth, would I sacrifice the secrecy of the Alpha baby today? I wondered if he knew about that too...
"He came to me and asked if I approved." I stopped in my tracks. What?
"What?" I asked out loud.
He laughed and nodded. "Close your mouth, flies'll get in." he joked. I fell back in step with him and chuckled along with him.
"What did you say?"
He was quiet. "I said no," I hit him and he laughed, "I'm just jokin'; I told him I approved of any guy that was more protective of you than me...who loved you more than me. You have a good mate Kare...a great one. He will fight anyone for you...even ones he knows would never mean to hurt you...if he thought they will- he would be able to defend you and not a lot of people can say that. That is a rare love. I envy it." he was quiet.
"I don't think..." he stopped talking. "I don't think I have one. Or,"
He was quiet.
"I've been feeling weird. I can't"- he blew out a frustrated breath.
"I can't fuck." he whispered. "It's like I can't see other girls anymore. I can't do anything...but there's no her...there was no moment where I saw someone that changed my entire outlook so what is wrong with me?"
I watched him unsure of how to answer, but then I thought of before I met Roman...I wasn't attracted to anyone not even Blake when he came on to me.
"They're close." I said grabbing his hand. "It means...your mate is coming. You aren't attracted to anyone else because you don't need to be, they aren't your mate."
His face soften and for the first time since I've known him, he cried.
The Alpha Baby remained secret another day. After my walk with Blake I decided to walk back past the schoolhouse. I walked by the window and watched as class was in session. There was a class of kids, all about the ages of four. They were learning shapes and colors. I looked at them as they cooed over the vibrant colors of the plush toys they were cuddling. I smiled at the sight of them. I watched as a beautiful, brown curly haired toddler looked eyes with me. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled, abandoning her plush toy she hopped to her feet and ran toward the window, toward me. I smiled, admiring her as she caught the attention of the school teacher.

Mated by Chance
Kurt AdamFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...