I took two steps before I heard Gabriel. He yelled and out in pain. I turned to him.LEAVE
My wolf was adamant I walk away. I bit my lip deciding which instinct to listen to. I thought of Blake. I would hate him for leaving Roman. Is this the same? Would Blake want him saved? Or is this his chance to regain normality in his self reflection?
Leave now!
I ignored my wolf, much to her distain. I was hardheaded and stubborn. I liked things my way so when it came to fight or flight, I typically stuck around for the heavy hitters. I ran to Gabriel's aid to help him down from the car. He was wounded and unfortunately for him, in his world his werewolf side was stifled due to the beliefs of his father. I helped him to his feet, "Took you long enough. I was convinced you were leaving me to die."
"I thought about it." I snapped. "Take me home now , or I won't hesitate to snap your neck."
"You cant kill me," he spat with a smug grin. "You need me to get out of here." I strode toward him, pushing him backward until he was on the ground.
"I only need your blood," I corrected. "I could gut you and leave the other wild life to finish you"- an explosion behind us interrupted my train of thought. I looked toward the rust colored mountain walls enclosing us into the mythical city. I coughed as a cloud of smoke over came us matching the blows from outside.
"Something's interrupting our barrier," he started speaking. I heard the crunch of shoes nearby. I grabbed Gabe's frail body from the road awkwardly trying to watch out for my watermelon sized belly. Once we were out of eyeview from the road, I sat.
"This is the Prince's vehicle." a voice yelled in alarm.
"The explosion must have thrown the car over, check inside!'' they ordered. I looked to Gabriel. I waved my hand before him, "Invitco" I whispered. The guards came close to where we were. I watched as Gabriel tried to stand while getting their attention.
"I'm right here!" he screamed. The guards, talking amongst themselves walked right past him. I watched his face falter as he screamed louder, making more noise, using more of his energy just to been seen, noticed, and heard by the pair who would never hear him. He turned to me once they got away from his futile attempts at contacting them.
"What did you do?"
I ignored him. I decided I wouldn't speak to him unless necessary. My silence was my biggest super power being entrapped-knowing he could not get inside my head was going to keep me sane.
"Kara!" he screamed. I turned to him.
"I speak." I ordered. "Only I speak." I watched as his lips met in a tight line. The walls around us shook violently before the very opening I wished to exit out of, opened. There stood the coven and the warriors of my pack, and of course my warrior; Roman. I walked toward them in glee, forgetting all of Gabriel. I saw Blake and swelled in pride as I saw my father and neighboring allies with us as well. My team!
"How?" I asked. "How are you awake?"
Cynn stepped forward. "We had eyes on you in case Lucina tried anything. When our eye didn't respond, we knew something was wrong."
"Luckily, all curses can be broken with blood ties." I watched as Rave appeared to me. I was angry with her. The secrets she kept from me became the pain the existed in my whole life as a kid and in my relationship and family now. I stared into her eyes, wondering what to say, but all I wanted to do was hug her. I decided to let go of the past and focus on protecting my future. Sahara stepped forward.
"She knows we are here. This rescue is to easy. She's been planning this for too long to just let us come in and take you." She said looking around. Her eyes widened.
"Oh no!" She shrieked. "It's"-
"A trap?" A voice called from behind us. I turned my head to see a beautiful woman with chestnut skin and brown hair that almost seemed to match her complexion. Her eyes were a bashful green that made you feel forced to stare into them. She radiated great power but also vast energy. She spoke like silk.
This is Lucina. She didn't walk, she almost glided straight to you as if she were being moved by someone else. I tensed. I turned my mind to pure energy as I mustered the hearts and soul of my family around me, I used the power in their love to do the thing I feared doing the most. "Replica" I whispered. I felt myself disconnect from the earth around me. The love inside me felt empty. I felt a wave of missing, wonder, worry as I reached down to my belly and cried out. I looked down. It had worked. I bit my lip to stifle a cry as I felt Roman's arms around me, he was watching me in confusion.
He's safe
I watched as understanding replaced his horror filled face. He took my hand as I took his. We would win this fight, we would protect the life of my unborn child. We would end the lies and ploys indefinitely.
I turned to Lucina. "We are leaving." I said stern stepping toward her. She looked at me in confusion.
"Where is the baby?" she roared.
"Because of you, he is dead." I said looking her in her eyes. Her eyes turned to slits.
"I don't believe you." she threatened. She reached her hand out toward me, I stepped to the side barely evading her grip. My people stepped forward in my honor. She waved her hand, creating a hue of purple blends as she was suddenly pulling Sahara toward her. I stepped in front of her mustering my strength until I felt a wave of protection swarm around my pack and myself. Her connection to us severed. She looked around in confusion.
She screamed, "I told you no harm would come to your child!"
"You lie! As you always do." I turned to Rave, who was making her way toward Lucina. I turned to stop her, but she ignored me.
"This is your fault!"
"Sister." She said calmly. "I am a werewolf." Lucina started into her eyes. "Surely that fact has been brought to your attention"
She swallowed. "Mom fell in love with a wolf too. You cannot blame our love for father's rage...for your rage."
Lucina snarled at Rave. "The wrong sister died that night." She spoke her words like venom. I watched as Rave, the only blood I've ever known, the woman who barely showed emotion;break. Her face faltered, she turned to look at me. I watched her eyes as she watched me.
"No!" It was Sahara screaming out. I looked back up to Lucina to see she was channeling Rave. She turned her hand to Rave's chin, sucking the life out of her as a dust of magical breath travelled from Rave to Lucina. I watched mortified as Rave's body dumped to the ground. A howl rumbled throughout the pack, a snarl from my mouth.
I didn't even think before I lunged toward her and shifted.

Mated by Chance
WilkołakiFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...