Whoever said children were the biggest gift of life...also forgot to mention how painfully excruciating the gift box it comes wrapped in is to come out! I had never in a million years expected to experience pain like this! I looked to my doula and the pool of water around me, promising the moon goddess I would NEVER trust her and give into the temptation of sex again. I was morally pissed! Pissed at myself, my husband and the size of my little baby's big head!
I growled in pain. "Roman!" I seethed in anger. He turned around from the noisy packaged chips he was mangling and sheepishly grinned at me. He was ecstatic right now. All he could think about was the babies face and if he was going to be small or chubby. He was obsessing and as cute as it was it was annoying for me and my painfully stretched and abused uterus. I kept my eyes squinted and on him. Refusing the let go of the rage I had in my belly. Rage directed toward the pain. I was more than ready for this part to be over with.
"Okay Kara! That was very good. Now the next one, I need you to take a really deep breath and push."
I groaned in frustration! Next one? I shook off the nerves and feelings of defeat. I looked toward Roman's outstretched hand and took it firmly in my grasp.
"Ready?" I nodded to my doctor, feeling protected and safe, surrounded by him and my mate. I remembered the first time I met the pack doctor, after the pack attacked me thinking I was a rogue wolf. I looked up to Roman. Our lives had changed so much.
"1...2...3! Push!" I followed the doctor's orders until it felt like all the power in my body exhausted. I felt a ring of fire slither itself into the center of life reminding me of the term "through the fire..." but it was all worth it when I heard that loud, breathy scream fill the room. I sighed in contentment. I had done it. It seemed like I had blinked my eyes and there he appeared.
"Ryan" I called as he was placed into my arms. My little boy. He was light. His color hadn't even filled all of his skin yet but I had no doubt he would share me and his father's beautiful brown skin. He was smiling, already, just a minute old. His cheeks reflected the same dimple on the right side of his smile that I adored in Roman. His eyes were closed still, getting used to the light but all I saw was light in him. My little piece. The blood of my own. I smiled up at Roman. The man who had made this gift possible. My mate. My husband. My world.
"We made an angel" Roman whispered so light it was as if he were afraid the air would tarnish the words.
"Yes. We did." I agreed. "Wanna hold him?" I asked sleepily. I watched as he smiled, lighting up the entire room, him and my baby boy shined, radiating the love I felt in my heart and the feelings I felt in my bones. He was my forever. This was my family.
One Year Later"Rose! Can you grab Ryan from the swing please?" I asked grabbing the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge, preparing the transport it outside to our guests.
"Okay Luna!" I smiled at her. Rose had always been one of my favorites here, but now that she was my little sister, she had taken the cake. She was a huge help with Ryan, she held a class for the youth here in the reservation to learn about wolf customs and traditions and even the history of our pack and packs around the world both like us and not alike. She was taking on more responsibility and the more she grew, the more I saw the Alpha in her bloom. I smiled as I saw her walking toward me holding my little bashful boy in her arms. He was smiling a toothy grin (he only had two on the bottom row as of now) causing him to sport a slight droolstache. I relaxed internally knowing he would have a good role model like Rose to help him learn how to lead the pack.
I led Rose and Ryan out to the courtyard where the celebration festivities were taking place. I smiled as I looked around and saw my family, Roman, Regan and Gabrielle, Blake, Cynn, Cynthia and the coven, Richard and Roman's mom and my own mom, all sitting together, now erupting in cheers and good wishes as the birthday boy finally arrived!
"Happy birthday Ryan" Gabrielle cheered standing from the table. Regan put his hand on the small of her back, careful to help her maneuver around her long, purple dress all while balancing the popping pregnancy belly she was sporting. Yes, that's right! I was expecting a little brother or sister. Ryan smiled up at Gabrielle as she came closer to his face. He put his arms out, demanding her. I smiled. Ryan absolutely adored Gabrielle. The only person he didn't completely turn on when she came around was me. We had our own inside joke that he loved us more because he's lived inside us both before.
I walked to my parents, thanking them for the gifts for Ryan, which he didn't need. The kid was one years old and already owned more items than anyone in the entire pack. It was appreciated, of course but it was excessive. In fact, I specifically asked for no gifts to be brought to this party. Of course, my mom told me she would not be returning or accepting any gifts back so I didn't even argue with her when I saw the huge gift bag in her hand when she arrived.
"Where's Cali?" I asked my dad.
"She's supposed to been here already. You know her, she likes a grand entrance." I laughed knowing my little sister's bad habit of being late.
The party was going amazing. It was a reminder of everything I had gained in the last two years. I had gone from feeling alone,and misunderstood...running away from the problems I had at home to turning home into a place where I'm problem free. I was happy. I was comfortable and I had no intention of leaving. My life was perfect.
I looked up the sky, closing my eyes and taking in a breath when the wind blew. I blossomed in the light chill of the cooling breeze as it flushed against my naked cheeks. I breathed in through my nose, reveling in the nature when it hit me. That smell! I froze in my tracks turning around, looking in every direction when my nose found it. I blinked in confusion. It was her smell, her scent but that was not her.
She was wearing all black, her hair was tied back into a sleek ponytail. Her usually soft face was painted with heavy dark makeup making her look exactly the opposite of the little girl I remembered seeing every day.
"Cali?" I asked in confusion.
She walked until she got directly in front of me. I stared into her eyes. Looking deeply, but not once seeing the sister I knew through the eyes that stared back into my own.
"Cali's been gone for a very long time." She spoke with her words laced like venom. I rewatched the memory of me vanquishing her again and again. How was it possible? How is she here?
I snarled, "Lucina."
"Long time no see." She greeted. She looked behind me toward the partygoers. Her eyes brightened. "And look, I made it in time for the party."

Mated by Chance
WerewolfFollow for constant updates. Check out Authors Notes for a chance to be written in the novel. Two years after I moved from home into the confides of the beautiful boarding school, Wilson Prep, my little sister called me and told me she needed me ho...