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A/N: ok so um before you start reading please know that i do not know that much of rottmnt so there might be some mistakes 😉.

It was a normal day with the turtles, training and fighting the bad guys. Well until something happened..

Leo was opening portals everywhere he went, Raph was practising his powers, Mikey trying to open a portal
and of course Donnie being Donnie he was in his lab.

If you're wondering where April is, she's on a vacation with her friend. "Hey guys look at me!" Leo shouted while running around opening portals. "Man, I wish I could open a portal" Mikey said wishing opening a portal would finally be successful.

"Ey it's okay Mikey! You'll get to open a portal soon, I know it" Raph said trying to cheer up his brother. Donnie walked out of his lab "Donnie! Finally out of your shell." Leo said smirking "Haha get it? Because were turtles and we hide in our shells?" He said laughing at his own joke.

Everyone stared blankly at him "Yeah, um anyway Mikey you're trying to open a portal right?" Donnie asked, Mikey nodded "So I was researching and found that you should try focusing your energy to your hands and think of opening a portal." Donnie said (I have no idea how it works btw)

"Hmm.. okay!" Mikey then hurried to try it "Okay, focus.." Mikey said while closing his eyes, he focused his energy to his hands and thought of opening a portal.

After a few seconds of watching Mikey an orange light appeared "Mikey your doin' it!" Raph exclaimed "Really?!" Mikey opened his eyes and it shone brightly.

The light started to disappear "Oh no!" Mikey shouted as he starts to focus again. The orange light was starting to get bigger and the brothers were staring in an awe

Mikey successfully opened a portal!
"O M G! I DID IT!!" Mikey shouted his voice full of happiness. Him and his brothers were celebrating, he was jumping around until he slipped on a spray can and fell into the portal

"AHH-" Mikey screamed while falling into the portal "MIKEY!" Raph shouted running after him while Leo followed. Donnie groaned and followed as well.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" all of them were screaming in fear while in the portal then suddenly landed face first on the side of the road. "Oof" Mikey said "Are you all okay?" Raph asked worried

"Of course I'm okay!" Leo said smirking with his hand on his hip "I'm okay, no brain damage" Donnie said. "Where are we?" Mikey asked

"Says here we're still at New york" Donnie said until he saw something that made his eyes widen "Is it broken? What the heck" Donnie said while getting stressed

"Whats wrong Don?" Leo said while putting an arm on Donnie's neck "Well according to this, It says were 7 months in the past." Donnie said.

"Are ya sure it's not broken?" Raph asked not believing what he heard "I'm sure." Donnie said. "Well what should we do then?" Leo asked

"Can you open another portal Mikey?" Donnie asked "Well, I'll try.." Mikey said while focusing on opening the portal again. After a few tries it still wouldnt work.

"Ugh, I'm sorry guys I can't" Mikey said feeling guilty "Hey hey it's okay!" Leo said "We just have to stay hidden and not let anyone see us until you can open a portal again" Leo said

Until there was a gasp behind them. Everyone turned behind them slowly only to see a girl standing there in shock. They were about to scream but they quickly covered her mouth.

"Please don't scream! Were friendly" Mikey said trying to calm the girl down. The girl's breathing was slowly turning back to normal "Okay, were gonna let go of you now please dont scream." Mikey said quietly

"Y/N?" Donnie said "How do you know my name?" You asked him confused "Oh wait. uh um.. it's in your name tag." Donnie said sweating "Oh. Forgot about that" you said rubbing the back of your head.

"I know this might sound rude but, what are you guys?" You asked curiously "Well pretty lady, we are the teenage mutant ninja turtles" Leo said while winking at you

A small blush made its way to your cheeks. Donnie looked at Leo dead in the eyes. Leo sweat dropped, Donnie sighed and told his brothers to come closer to him

While the brothers were whispering about something, you got a text from April.

April: Hey girl! Where are you? 🤨
You: Sorry April kind of got caught up here.
April: What happened? Are you okay?
You: Yeah I'm okay dont worry, there's just some turtles.
April: TURTLES!?!?!? 🤯🤯

'I was not supposed to say that'

April: Girl I am coming to you rn.

You could see a girl running to you at quick speed "Damn" you whispered
"Y/N!" April shouted while gasping for air. "April?" Donnie said

"Wait which April are you" Raph asked. April was confused but walked to them and pulled the brothers closer to her.

"What are you guys doing?!" April whisper yelled "Okay April chill, we'll tell you the whole story" Leo said. After telling what happened April was pretty shocked.

She brushed it off after a few minutes "Okay Y/N, meet the turtles. This is Raph, this is Mikey, this one Leo and last but not least Donnie!" April said. You smiled at Donnie making him blush a bit

"Wait you know them?" You asked with a raised eyebrow "Maybe?" April said nervously. You glared at April "Nice to meet you all." You said politely.

"Nice to meet ya too!" Raph said while smiling. All of the turtles were smiling at you except for Donnie who was just staring, thinking.

'The purple one is kind of good looking..' you smacked yourself in the head 'Oh my god what am I thinking he is a literal turtle' you said to yourself.

"So um.. me and April were gonna hang out at her house but now that you're here, do you wanna join us?" You asked trying to be polite.

"Is there gonna be pizza?" Mikey asked with star eyes "Oh uh sure?" You said "Were in!" He said. You all started walking to April's house

"Im alone at the house today which was lucky since you guys suddenly showed up." April said "I'll go order some pizza." You said while walking to the telephone in the kitchen.

You felt like someone followed you but you decided to ignore it. You dialed the number and ordered the pizza. You turned around and saw Donnie behind you.

"AH!" You screamed "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Donnie said "Oh it's all right, do you need something?" You asked "No.. Just wanted to know you more." He said

"You remind me of someone im very close to." Donnie said "Really? Huh." You said while thinking "Do we look a like?" You asked. He laughed, "Yeah, if you guys met you would you were looking in the mirror." Donnie said smiling softly at you.

Something about him made you have butterflies in your stomach, "Wow.. is she pretty?" You asked hoping he would say yes "Of course she is. She's the most beautiful girl I have ever met." Donnie said

" You technically just said I'm pretty" you said while laughing "Oh yeah I did, well then your welcome" He said. "The pizza should be here soon. You should go join the others."

Donnie waved goodbye and went to where his brother and April were. The doorbell rang and you got the pizza and brought it to them for you guys to eat while watching television.

"Yum!" Raph said "This is the most tasty pizza i have ever eaten" Leo said "Agreed" Mikey said while inhaling his pizza. You laughed at how the brothers acted.

"Aren't you gonna get one Y/N?" Donnie asked "Oh? Right, yeah I will" you said while smiling at him brightly. The two of you laughed and watched the TV.

A/N: Was this an okay chapter please tell me it's an okay chapter

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