Valentines special 💜

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A/N: Im sorry this is late! The idea popped up when it was valentines already 😞

You were pacing around your room anxiously, you wanted to give Donnie a little something for Valentines day, something purple.. but what?

You took out your phone to text april

You: April
You: April

April: WHAT 😡

You: I need help

April: With??

You: What's a good Valentines gift?

April: 😮
April: Wait are you being fr? DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE?

You: Omg nvm

April: Its Donnie isnt it?

You: Am i that obvious

April: maybe
April: Anyway, a good gift for Donnie? Hmmm
April: He was obsessed with a hoodie he got from the purple dragons, maybe you should get him a hoodie?

You: Wait, the purple dragons?

April: Its a long story, but the hoodie was destroyed in the end. He was pretty devastated

You: Are you sure he would like a hoodie???

April: Idk
April: He likes anything thats purple

You: Wow. Thank you for the help

April: Your welcome :P

You sighed. Anything purple?.. ugh. Maybe I should just get him the hoodie or a mug? He likes coffee right? And to drink coffee you need a mug. You groaned. Why is this so frustrating!

You went out to search for a hoodie, a purple one to be precise. You spot a purple hoodie with the perfect shade, had a nice design, you also kinda wanted one.

You went to the counter to pay, you see a purple heart keychain and took one, this is perfect!

"Thank you" the lady at the counter gave you the hoodie and keychain. You rode the bus home to wrap your gift.

Maybe I should've gotten gifts for the others too.. Now its gonna look obvious that I like Donnie. You cover your face in frustration

It's okay. Everything is gonna be okay.

The next day (Valentines day)
April put her hand on your shoulder, you flinch
"Are you okay?" April sat beside you
"Ugh.. I dont know anymore April.. how am I gonna give the gift to Donnie wuthout making a fool of myself?" You rest your chin on your hand

"It's gonna be okay! After school we're goin to the lair and you're gonna give it to him! I promise I'll be with you. In the background. Hiding." She smiled
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" You question

April shrugged
"Well it kinda worked" you laugh
"Okay. I can do this."

Time skip ⏭️
"I can't do this!" You panic
"H-hey calm down!" April rubbed your back.
"You still wanna go to the lair?" She asked
You pause. "..yeah. I have to give this to him" you held the gift tighter
"That's the spirit!" April clapped

You both go into the lair and the both of you were greeted by the three brothers. "Hey guys!" April said

"April! And Y/N! Hi!" Mikey greeted the both of you
"Heyy!" Leo said
"Hey! you guys need anything?" Raph questioned

"Well.. it's Valentines day! We wanted to spend the day with you guys!" April answered
"Uh.. is Y/N okay? They look.. nervous?" Raph pointed out

"I'm fine! Just thinking of something.." you smiled. Raph shrugged, you looked for Donnie. You guessed he was in his room "Hey um, is Donnie in his room?" You ask

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