Baking cookies for you

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A/N: Play the song! This chapter was inspired by it

3rd Person POV
It was a Monday morning and the alarm of your phone could be heard, you sighed "School.." you walked to the bathroom to take a shower and ate breakfast, you couldn't get your mind off what happened yesterday and zoned out

"Why are you up so early?" You were startled by the voice, when you looked at where it came from it was Donnie "Oh right, school" he said rubbing the back of his head

"Why are YOU up so early?" You were curious "Oh just find out a way on how to get home-" he immediately thought of what he just said "I mean how to make homemade cookies!" your eyes lit up "Ooh! Are you gonna make cookies? I LOVE homemade cookies" you asked excitedly

Donnie didn't have any other choice but to say yes, you took the toast and spread some (spread of your choice) on it. "Well im gonna be late for school see you later! Cant wait for the cookies" you waved goodbye as he was sweating

Donnie POV
What do I do?! I have 0 idea on how make cookies. Perhaps I should ask Mikey for help.. but it's 8 AM in the morning I don't wanna interrupt his sleep.. meh who cares "MIKEY!" I stomped to the room

"IM UP" Mikey sat up as quick as lightning "Help me make cookies. Please" I begged him as he looked at me witb a questioning face "Ugh Don what the heck?" Leo groaned "What's wrong with him?" Raph asked who also got woken up

"He wants to me to help make cookies for some reason" Mikey shrugged "Pleaseee I promised Y/N I dont wanna dissapoint her" I begged so much that my face was on the floor "Hmm.. for N/N huh.." Leo smirked

"Shut your mouth Leon" I sent daggers to him as he just laughed "Well then if it's for N/N I will definitely help you" Mikey stood up and went to the kitchen "So, where are the things we need?" He said looking for them

"Huh..?" I was confused, Mikey face palmed "I cannot believe this how will we make the cookies now?" Mikey said as he had a grumpy look on his face "Maybe we should ask help from April??" Leo suggested

"Isn't she at school with Y/N?" I said crossing my arms "It's okayy it'll be quick" Leo took out his phone and called April

"Heyy April!"

April: Leo what the hell do you want?! Im on vacation remember?!

"OH whoops sorry wrong April"

April: Wait Leo what do you me-

Before she could finish what she was saying Leo pressed the end call as I glare at him "Great job Leon. Almost let them found put were in the past" I said "Yeah but they didnt find out!" He smirked as he dialed the other April

April: Hello? Is something wrong??

"Hey uh-" before Leo could tell April we needed some things Mikey screamed "APRIL EMERGENCY THERES AN EMERGENCY COME QUICK AND DO NOT. TELL Y/N" we were all staring at him wide eyed. April ended the call

"The heck was that?!" I shouted "It's so she gets here faster" Mikey grinned. I sometimes wonder how these guys are my brothers.

6 minutes later

"GIYS WHATS WRONG WHATS THE EMERGENCY?!" April screamed as we pulled her inside closing the door "April!" Mikey hugged her "We need some things for cookies can you help us get it?" Leo asked nicely as the room went quiet

"Was this the emergency. I skipped school for this?!" April asked with an intimidating face "Now now hear us out" Leo tried to calm her down "Tell her Donnie" Leo nudged me

I was a little embarrassed to say it "Were making cookies for Y/N.." I said looking away as she looked at me woth a shocked expression "Wow future Donnie is much more nicer" April laughed

April sighed "Okay. what do you guys need?" Mikey gave her a list of the ingredients "Hmm.. okay! I'll go fetch some from the store I'll be quick!" April said as she dashed off

"Why can't we just go with her?" Raph just popped up "Woah you surprised me. And it's because if something in this time happens it might change our future completely, even if it's just a very small change." I stated

I observed their reactions andit indicates that they did not understand what I just said, i sigh "Anyway, do you wanna help us make cookies?" I asked "Well Raph's not good with cooking and baking but I'll try" Raph said

The front door slammed open "Im back!" April put all the ingredients on the table "Perfect! Lets start" Mikey said jumping up and down

"Just tell us what to do I guess" i told him as he giggled. He was done preparing the table and told is to come closer to him "Okay, first we put 1/2 cup of white sugar" Mikey said as he gave me the sugar and measuring cups

"And then 3/4 brown sugar" he handed it to Leo "Oh! And 1 teaspoon of salt and vanilla extract" Mikey said as he put it in the bowl "Raph can you put an egg in please?" Mikey said as Raph grabbed an egg "Sure thing" Raph cracked the egg

There were bits of the shell in there but Mikey took it out "1/2 cup of melted butter" he took out the butter that he heated in the microwave in advance and put it in the bowl. Wow this is a lot of work I am never baking again

"1 cup and 1/4 cup of flour!" Mikey said as he grabbed the flour and measuring cups "Oooh me me! Let me do it!" Leo grabbed the flour from Mikey and tried to put it in the cup but ended up spilling it everywhere

"OMIGOSH LEO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" Mikey screamed in terror "Heheheh.." Leo laughed nervously "Let me try." I said as I walked to the flour and measuring cups

I did it perfectly of course since I am the most superior sibling "Great job Donnie! Now don't forget to add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda!" Raph put some in the bowl "And now we mix!" Mikey mixed the dough

"Oh yeah the chocolate!" Mikey hrabbed chocolate chunks and put it in the dough, Leo stole one and ate one typical. "We leave it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes" Mikey closed the fridge door

"Phew! Im thirsty" Mikey drank a glass of water "What should we do now?" Raph asked his brothers "That was some awesome work guys!" April clapped "Oh thanks April! I thought you were back at school though" Leo said

"School boringg, besides I told them I wasn't feeling well" April laughed "What about Y/N??" I asked and she went silent and checked her phone

"Yikes" April said as she stared at her phone "What? Did something happen to her?!" I asked panicked "Chill out Dee, and no nothing happened it's just.." she showed me her phone

We all saw 99+ notifications from Y/N "You should probably answer her, she's worried" Raph said "Maybe later" April put her phone in her pocket

"Guys! We can bake the cookies now" Mikey took the dough from the fridge and started to put it on the tray

Your POV
Oh that idiot, I hope she's okay. Im really lonely right now April is the only close friend I have which is kinda depressing but it's okay

Oh the bell, better get to class now I sighed

Donnie POV
These cookies turned out great! To my surprise "Great job mad dogs!" We all did a high five, or high three if your us
"This looks delicious!" April grabbed one

We were all savouring the flavour until Y/N slammed open the door "April." She stomped closer and closer "Heyy Y/N" she said with an 'uh oh'

She raised her hand about to hit her, oh wait no she just hugged her "You don't know how worried you made me feel!" Y/N cried April rubbed her back

"Maybe you should ask them" she said pointing to us "IT WAS ALL MIKEY" Leo shouted as he ran away. Y/N noticed the cookies on the table and a grabbed one

"Nice! You made the cookies" she munched on them "Mmm!" She held her cheek "This tastes amazing Donnie! Great job" she gave me a thumbs up

I smiled "Actually we all made this together" i said as her smile grew wider
"Aww thanks you guys" Y/N pulled us into a group hug, Leo came put of nowhere and joined in

A/N: The cookie recipe I used is an actual recipe btw, it's the one i use when making cookies 😋

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