22. Winner

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"And the most awaited round starts now.....3...2...1" the announcer declared as the racers went into full speed on the tracks to win the tournament, some for the money, some for the reputation and some for their love.

Jungkook steered his favourite bike at full speed and he was the first one going. It was so easy for him. Hyunjin in second place just smirked at him.

"Let's see how long your bike lasts" He mumbled while speeding up. There were a total of ten rounds around the stadium and Jungkook was the leading one till the second round and that's when Jimin came to cheer up on him. But he stopped for a second when he saw Jimin's outfit. Jimin wore some shorts and a skirt over that. He wore a white crop top which showed his waist when he danced making Jungkook want nothing but to run to him and admire him by all by himself. When he realised that he was still in the race, Hyunjin was ahead of him and he was in the second position now.

 When he realised that he was still in the race, Hyunjin was ahead of him and he was in the second position now

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"Go, Jungkook. Go. Go" he heard Jimin shout and he was turned on by that.

"God.... I swear. You will pay for every tease tonight" he cursed while applying the gears and driving the bike at a monstrous speed. He again retained his first position and held that for another five rounds. He blew a kiss to Jimin while driving who blushed furiously at that. The whole stadium went crazy except for a man who was waiting for Jungkook's bike to stop at any moment.

Jungkook went another round before his bike decelerated. He looked at his bike slowing down and was only moving at a medium speed and within a fraction of a second, every bike surpassed him making him stop frantically. He started his bike again but it was going at that speed again and nothing more. There were still two rounds left. He was anxious as he never lost in a match. His head began to spin as he felt dizzy from the heaviness of the situation.

His eyes drifted here and there and finally landed on Jimin who was worriedly looking at him. The elder now left the stage and was right behind the fence separating the track and the seats. Jungkook removed his helmet and walked to Jimin. He placed his hand on the fence and Jimin grabbed his hand trough the fence, not fully but just brushing against each other.

"Jungkookie...." Jimin whispered seeing Jungkook's dejected face. Jungkook was not broken because he had lost but because he could not ask Jimin out now.

"I couldn't win" he mumbled looking at Jimin. The elder felt his heart broken seeing his disappointed face.

"Not yet. Everyone who completes what they begin are all winners, kookie" Jungkook looked at him, touched by the nickname.

"Really?" He asked Jimin.

"Yeah. You started this and you have to finish this" Jimin smiled at him and Jungkook found himself confident once again. He should complete the game till the end. He nodded while placing the helmet on his head and looked at Jimin with certain eyes. Although Jimin can't see them, he can feel them. He nodded smiling widely encouraging the younger boy. The racer jumped onto his bike and as soon as he did, every one of the competitors reached the crossing line and the announcer announced Hyungjin as the winner.

Jungkook didn't pay any heed to everyone congratulating the winner or the sound of the fireworks or someone mocking him that he had lost in the tournament through the mic bravely. Even though he could not ask Jimin out today, he wanted to finish the game like the elder said. It didn't matter if the people saw him as a loser as long Jimin would see him as the winner.

With that thought, he completed a round and only one was left. He saw that Jimin was dancing alone, cheering for him.

"My Jungkookie is the best....Go. Go" Jimin chanted smiling at Jungkook cutely which made the younger's heart flutter. He could not help but fall in love with Jimin more. Adrenaline flowed in his veins as he focused on the road and after a minute he reached the finishing line where Jimin was waiting for him. Jungkook quickly parked his bike and removed his helmet and ran to Jimin who welcomed him with open arms.

Jimin embraced Jungkook by wrapping his hands around the taller's torso. Jungkook snuggled into Jimin's neck feeling relaxed. Jimin patted his head gently.

"You did so well today, Kookie. I'm so proud of you" Jimin said making Jungkook feel delighted and the younger pulled away.

"Thank you so much, hyung. For cheering for me even when I lost" he said holding Jimin's smol hands.

"Who else would if I didn't?" The dancer asked gigging. Jungkook didn't know losing would be would so lovely. He probably would lose more times from now. He was pulled away from his train of thoughts when Jimin called him.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jimin asked biting his lips shyly. Jungkook's eyes widened as he could not believe what he was hearing. 'Does Jimin want to be my boyfriend even after I could not act as per my words?' those words rang in Jungkook's mind.

"But I lost...." He mumbled lowly but Jimin heard it.

"If you won, I would have been your boyfriend. But now that you didn't, be my boyfriend" Jimin said while looking at his nails. Jungkook was not on the land anymore. He was floating in the air with happiness and so was Jimin.

"Will you?" Jimin added.

"Of course, I'll" Jungkook picked Jimin up in his arms and spun him gently making the smaller giggle. Jimin hugged the younger's neck tightly and kissed the crown of his head. Jungkook's bunny teeth were full on display in the happiness. The people were looking at them but they didn't give a fuck.

The racer placed Jimin down to his feet and pulled him into their first kiss. Or maybe not first. Jungkook felt heaven on his lips as his body tingled at the sensation. Jimin's lips fit in his like puzzle and was so soft, luscious and plump that he wanted to taint them. Jimin moved his lips accordingly and moaned into the kiss and the moan was captured by Jungkook's mouth. After making out till they were out of breathe, they pulled away smiling shyly.

"Thank you, hyung" Jungkook said sincerely, leaning his forehead on Jimin's who nodded smiling.

"Are you just keep going to thank me or make me moan your name senseless?" Jimin let out in a sultry tone. That was what Jungkook wanted and he practically dragged Jimin to their car to get home soon and make love to his new boyfriend.

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