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A/N: restating that i have never been to a psychiatric ward, therefore i have no idea how things do and don't happen. please bear with me and correct me kindly if im wrong. im trying guys


"You want to talk about Michael," I deadpan, causing Amber to shift uncomfortably in Calum's embrace.

"We don't have to-" she begins, but I cut her off.

"It's fine," I insist, hoping that it really will be. "What do you want to, um, talk about?"

"We just want to make sure that you're still...you know..." Calum trails off, searching for the right word, and I frown. "Healthy."

I want to laugh. "Healthy?"

Calum looks uncomfortable, like he's worried he offended me. I'm not so sure he didn't. "I mean, obviously Michael isn't...all there-"

"Don't talk about him like that," I snap immediately.

Calum groans in frustration. "I'm just worried about you, man," he sighs. "Because you've been through a lot of shi t, too."

I sigh, not wanting to think about the past few years of my life, before I moved here. "Yeah," I say eventually. "I'm fine."

"Good," Calum says.

"And Michael's gonna be fine, too," Amber smiles, trying to cheer me up. I want to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I know," I say. "He's a fighter." I smile at the thought. "He's my fighter."



"Okay," Ashton says, pointing his fork at a girl with bleach blonde hair, moving food around on her plate but not eating it. "That's Katie. And that-" he points to the redhead next to her. "-is Paige." Paige hasn't even touched her fork. The nurse monitoring their table is watching them closely.

"Paige doesn't talk to anyone except during group, and Katie always tries to flirt with Derek," Ashton explains. (He pointed Derek out to me earlier-a very fit guy who looks a few years older than me.)

Ashton is pointing everyone out to me, telling me who is who, who to talk to and who not to talk to. So far, we've gone over about half of the cafeteria-only about six or seven kids, all teenagers-and I only remember about one or two names.

No one has asked for my name, but Ashton says that at group therapy-"It's set conveniently after dinner so the bulimics can't...you know...detox," Ashton explained-I will be introduced.

"Okay, I think I've got it," I lie, just because I'm tired of hearing all these names that mean nothing to me. I'll get them eventually, though, I'm sure.

"You'll know after group," Ashton promises.


When dinner is over, we are ushered into the multi-purpose room for group therapy. Ashton tells me that we have three groups every day-after breakfast to set out goals for the day, after lunch to discuss a set topic, and after dinner to see if we accomplished our goals.

The grand total of sixteen screwed up teenagers pile into the multi-purpose room and sit in a circle on the floor. (The walls are the same color as Ashton and my bedroom, and it disturbs me.) Sitting among us is a social worker, I think. She looks young, but the lines on her face scream of stress and growing up too fast. Ashton tells me her name is Morgan, and she runs group therapy.

"Hi, everyone," she smiles as soon as we are all sat down. I pick nervously at the old bandage, still wrapped around my wrist. "Welcome to night session! Now, most of us here know each other, but we have someone new joining us today, so we'll have to do introductions." Every pair of eyes in the room turns in my direction, and my hands start to shake. I don't like Morgan already. "My name is Morgan, I'm here to help you."

She pauses like she's waiting for some reaction. Are we supposed to say 'hiiii, Morgan' like in the movies?

No one does.

She sighs. "Okay, would our new member like to go next?"

I continue to pick at the bandage, tearing at the threads and blocking out her irritatingly happy voice.

That's you, idiot.

My eyes widen in realization and I look up to meet sixteen pairs of expectant eyes. "W-what?" I squeak out.

"Your name, age and why you're here, honey," Morgan supplies. I nod slowly, trying to think.

I'm Michael. I'm sixteen. I'm here because...I don't know.

I can feel the panic setting in at the idea of having to speak to the group, and having to admit that I have no idea why I'm even in the group.

Breathe, you can do this. Maybe.

Taking my best friend's advice, I inhale slowly, then speak. "I'm M-Michael. S-sixteen."

Morgan smiles encouragingly. I want throw something at her. "And you're here because..."

I shrug in response-unable and unwilling to say another word-and resume my previous occupation of picking at the bandage.

"Undetermined," Morgan suggests, and we move on.

I don't pay attention for the rest of group. I catch a few names here and there but I can't put them to faces, because I refuse to look up from my lap. When group is over, I stand up-head ducked and hands shaking-and exit the room immediately. I can hear the smack of feet behind me, and soon I feel a warm hand on my back. Somehow, I already know that it's Ashton.

"You okay, mate?" he asks, and I shake my head.

I'm not about to have a panic attack or anything, but I am about to cry. I don't know why-is it because I'm nervous? Because I'm awkward? Because I'm lonely? Because I miss Luke? I don't know-but I can already feel the golf ball sized lump forming in my throat.

"Wanna sleep," I mumble, unable to speak complete sentences.

"It's only eight," Ashton frowns. "Lights out isn't until ten-"

"Sleep," I repeat, making my way down the hall and towards our shared room.

"Well, you at least need your meds, then..." Ashton trails off, turning in the opposite direction, headed towards the nurses' station. I continue onto our room.

As soon as I get there, I lie down on the bed without even taking my clothes off, and I let the tears fall. I miss my mum. I miss my dad. I miss Calum. I miss Amber. I miss Luke.

But why would you miss them when you have me?


A/N: hey pals sorry this chapter is kinda short and super late! im so sorry, but i'll have more time to update starting now bc last week we had projects in like every class smh

also not a lot of people have read 0.2??? like i usually get like 300-500 reads per chapter and that chapter doesn't even have 200??? okay bros idk

much love for everyone i hope everyone has a wonderful, nonstressful week full of hq pics of your fav during various rowyso performances!!!

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