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A/N: I'm just gonna repeat: I don't have any firsthand experience with MPD or DID or psych wards, so please pleASE please cut me some slack bc all the research I've done has said different things so just kinda go with it


"Shut the fuc k up," I hiss at Michael, who is sobbing in my mind.

Don't do it, don't do it please don't do anything--

"Oh, my God," I mutter, irritation building up inside of me. I hate Michael. I hate him so much.

He whimpers, and I smirk, pulling the stiff hospital comforter tighter around me.

It's a little after midnight, and I'm ready to execute the plan, I'm just waiting for the right time. The nurses stay up all night, walking down the halls, monitoring us while we 'sleep'. They make sure the insomniacs are actually asleep and they make sure no one's having loud nightmares and when you wake up and have to pee, they walk you to the bathroom. They're here to make sure nothing bad happens. They're here to make sure plans like mine aren't carried out.

Fortunately, I think I'm a bit smarter than them.

They didn't notice me skip dinner tonight, they didn't notice me coughing up the meds they gave me before bed. Hell, they didn't even notice that it was me and not Michael. I'm a pretty good actor, I'll admit.


"Michael, I swear if you don't shut up I'll kill you," I threaten. "And this time I'll succeed."

He's quiet.

I close my eyes, waiting to hear the familiar thud of the nurses shoes outside of our door. As soon as they pass, I'll go for it.

It's a few minutes before I hear the nurse coming down the hall. I relax my grip on the comforter, breathing out softly to give the illusion that I'm sleeping.

She stops for a second--looking in on us, probably--and then the thud thud thud of her uniform shoes continues down the hall toward the next room.

Gordon, p-please don't--

"Did he not rape your boyfriend?" I remind Michael. He whimpers, and I take it as affirmation. "Did he not hit him?"

That doesn't mean you can--

"Michael," I groan. "If you don't dispose of people they will hurt you again."

Or maybe they can l-learn from their mistakes--

"They will hurt you again," I insist, peeling the comforter off of my body. Michael begins to cry in the back of my mind, and I grab the pillow off of my bed.

I pad over to Ashton's bed, where he is asleep on his back. God, this is too easy.

Gordon, no--!

I move to place the pillow over Ashton's face, but his eyes pop open and he sits up, seizing my wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?" he hisses.

"Getting rid of you," I spit out, throwing a punch that connects with Ashton's jaw.

He grabs his face, turning to look at me with malice filling his eyes. It's a look that neither Michael nor I have ever seen in cheery Ashton. Michael flinches. It makes me grin.

Ashton balls his hand into a fist, pulling it back like he's about to hit me, but at the last minute he stops. He's trying so hard to control his anger, I almost want to stop provoking him. Almost.

Gordon, we're gonna get caught--

"I don't care," I seethe, dropping the pillow and throwing another punch. This one catches Ashton by surprise, because he cries out.

"Michael! What the hell?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "You don't really think this is Michael, do you?"

Ashton's face becomes one of realization and recognition. And that's when he starts to scream for the nurses.

Everything turns into slow motion as I jump on Ashton, beginning to beat him mercilessly. I only get in a few good hits though, because before I know it I'm being pried off of him and physically restrained. I'm grinning like a maniac at how perfectly executed my plan was and Michael is crying realization and accusation when the dreaded pain pierces my brain.

You set this up! Y-You did this on purpose. You--

"--wanted to get caught!" I cry, surprising myself as my voice comes out loud. I burst out in sobs, becoming limp in the security guards' hold as they begin to drag me out of the room.

I make eye contact with Ashton right before I'm pulled into the hallway, and I can tell by his eyes that he understands, and he forgives me. I guess it's about time I forgive him, too.

Maybe if I had forgiven him earlier, all of this could have been avoided...

You know I would've found another way.



I'm sitting in the middle of my last period class when the office calls the classroom over the loudspeaker.

"Mr. Johnson," the front-desk lady says. "Will you please send Luke Hemmings to the office?"

"Yes ma'am," he says, turning to look at me. I feel my breath hitch in my throat, my heart beginning to pound in my chest. I'm pretty confident in most situations, but scenarios like this make me nervous.

"He will not be returning," the lady adds.

I can only think of two reasons I'm being checked out, because my dad is on a business trip at the moment and my mother is across the town, teaching a class. Either I have a doctor's appointment that Mum forgot to tell me about, or...

"Luke?" Mr. Johnson asks. "Are you going to go?" Oh, my God. The blood drains from my face. My eyes widen in realization, in fear.


I don't respond to his question, I don't even waste time grabbing my backpack. I throw open the door, running down the halls of the now-familiar high school faster than I've ever run before, with the night of Michael's attempt being an exception.

As I bolt to the office all I can think about is my baby, what happened to my baby? It motivates me to run faster, and I swear, I reach the office in record time.

I see my mother standing there. Her arms are around Michael's mum, who has tears running down her cheeks. Oh, my God. I can't breathe.

I stop in my tracks, nearly falling over at my abrupt halt. My voice comes out as a strangled sob as I ask, "W-What happened to him?"


A/N: lololol im evil ik ik sorry kids ily!!!

this will be the last update while i'm at camp so the next one, i will be home! (i'll be home on july 4th & i'll try to have a chapter out by the 6th)

sorry im an evil writer thats leaving you hanging for a few days lol bye

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