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I'm in one of those padded rooms, just like you see on TV. It has one of those one-sided windows, so I'm forced to stare at myself--at Gordon. He's laughing at me in my head. He's calling me stupid, worthless, weak.

I may be stupid and I may be worthless, but it's not my fault if I'm weak. I've spent the past few hours thrashing and struggling, trying to get out of this room that is driving me towards true insanity. It's not my fault I feel numb.

You thought you were strong enough to fight me.

His teasing brings tears to my eyes.

All because I let you have control back in Lancaster's office, that one time.

The tears welled up in my eyes dance down my face, and I choke on a sob. He's supposed to be my best friend.

Shut up. You know I am.

I close my eyes, taking a deep and shaky breath. He's right.



"Luke, sweetie, calm down," my mother coos, but she sounds uneasy, and it pisses me off.

How the hell does she expect me to be calm when my everything is in--danger? trouble? I don't even know!--some bad situation while we're stuck in a f ucking traffic jam.

I hit the window in frustration, causing Mrs. Clifford to flinch, but she doesn't scold me. She probably wants to hit the window, too.


Half an hour and quite a few meltdowns later, we pull into the hospital parking lot. I jump out of the car, slamming the door before Mrs. Clifford can even fully park the car. I know I probably won't even be able to see him, but I need to be here more than I've ever needed anything.

My mum and Karen are right behind me as we enter the hospital. One of the secretaries working the front desk greets us with a smile, and I want to wipe it off of her face. She wouldn't be smiling if her significant other's alternate personality had done something reckless to endanger her significant other. Ugh.

I settle for a glare.

I don't pay much attention to the lady as she gives us directions to where Michael is located. I impatiently twist the rink on my pinky finger, and follow my mum and her best friend to the elevator as soon as they're done talking.

"Luke, please," Mum groans, but the elevator stops right as she starts reprimanding me, and I bolt out into the psychiatric ward. I dart to the first nurse I see--a blonde one, I think by some stroke of luck she might be Michael's nurse. I think her name is Tiffany--and grab her arm. Her eyes widen in surprise or fear--I can't tell--and I'm sure that with my red eyes and shaking body, I look like a maniac. I might even look like I belong in the ward.

"Where is he?" I think I'm screaming, or maybe I'm sobbing. I don't know.

Her eyes light up in recognition as my mother and Karen show up next to me. My mum begins to apologize frantically for my 'poor behavior' but I can't even hear her. I focus on Tiffany's comforting hand, rubbing my back. I allow her to place her hands on my shoulders to lead me down a hall I've never even noticed before. It's in the opposite direction of the cafeteria, the patient rooms, and the visitation room. At the end of the hallway, there's a bolted door.

Oh, God.

I think I begin to shake as Tiffany ushers me across the threshold. It's a small room with a metal table and some chairs sitting in front of a window on the white wall. I peer nervously into the window, and I think the Earth stops spinning.

My baby is sitting in the middle of a white padded cell, staring down at his arms, folded in his lap. Tears stain his cheeks and the bandages that used to cover his still-healing arms have been ripped off and are sitting in front of him. My eyes shut in realization.

He's staring at his scars.

I approach the glass window slowly, and Michael looks up. My heart flutters hopefully, and I give him a small smile, but he is unresponsive. It must be a one-sided mirror.

"Why is he in there?" I ask quietly, but I'm not really sure if I want to know the answer.

Tiffany sighs. "Micheal physically attacked another patient."

I hear my mum gasp, I hear his mum make a strangled noise. I'm quick to register the words, and quick to protest.

"No." I shake my head forcefully, so quick that it makes me dizzy. "It wasn't him." Upon seeing Tiffany's frown, I clarify, "It was his alternate personality. You know, Gordon?"

She nods in understanding, but her response is unsatisfactory. "While that may be the case, at the moment he is a danger to himself and others, and he has to stay in here until he's calmed down."

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. "Can I...can I stay, too?"

Tiffany glances at Mrs. Clifford. They somehow communicate with a few facial expressions, and the nurse returns her gaze to me. She sighs. "Everyone except immediate family members are strictly prohibited," she tells me, and my heart falls into my stomach. "But," she continues, and my heart leaps into my throat. "This isn't exactly a normal circumstance, and I think he'll do better if you're here."

I surprise myself by lunging at Tiffany and wrapping my arms around her in gratitude. I think I surprise her, too, but she timidly hugs back. "Thank you," I breathe out in relief, and I see her smile out of the corner of my eye.

"Of course," she responds, pulling away. She motions towards the small metal table and chairs. "You might want to take a seat," she suggests. "It will be at least a few hours before anyone comes to evaluate him."

I oblige, never taking my eyes off of Michael, who has returned to staring at his wrist.

This is going to be a long few hours.


A/N: guess who's back!

i'm actually so sad tho i love camp with all of my heart i want to be back there i'm so excited to go for three weeks next year lmao i love camp so so much i'm about to cry again so i'll stop

how does everyone feel about the update?? i'm not a fan of this chapter tbh but thats okay

also i have an appointment with a new psychiatrist tomorrow and i'm really scared especially because it's a member of the male gender and male genders make me nervous

idk what else to say i love ryan ross bye

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