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A/N: this happened yesterday (top/side) (yes that's me) (it was on my face for like 6 hours lol)


I've been out of the 'unstable patient' room for a few days now, but I haven't had any sessions with Dr. Lancaster yet. Ashton's been avoiding me for the most part, but he claims that he's forgiven me. I think he's just kind of in a bad mood.

You know who else is in a bad mood?

"I'm sorry, Gordon," I mumble uncomfortably. He's upset about my therapy session that starts in a few minutes.

I can't believe you f ucking told her everything.

"She's my therapist," I insist. "She should kn-know."

You're so annoying.


"Michael?" Tiffany's soft voice interrupts my apology, and I look up to see her standing in the doorway of our room. "Ready for your session?"

"Y-Yeah," I say, giving her a slight smile, only a little bit nervous.

I stand up and follow Tiffany down the hall and towards Dr. Lancaster's office, even though I know where it is on my own. I bite my lip as my nurse knocks on my therapist's door and my therapist invites me in. My breath hitches in my throat when the door swings open. I don't know why I'm so nervous all of the sudden.

"You'll do great," Tiffany promises, and it's enough to convince me.

I walk into Dr. Lancaster's office.



I groan, running a hand through my hair as I read over Michael's file again.

Working in a psychiatric ward, I  have quite a few patients, and while I know I'm not supposed to prioritize nor pick favorites, I can't help but pay extra attention to Michael. His situation is so unique, unlike anything I've ever treated before. It frustrates and intrigues me at the same time.

From his files, I've known about Michael's past--everything from the abuse to the incident with Calum--since the start of our sessions, but getting him to willingly tell me about it a few days ago was a huge victory, and has been getting me thinking about how to continue his treatment from here on out.

I'm thinking of taking a new approach.

Michael's mother has told me that he doesn't remember being abused, or that if he does, he refuses to acknowledge it. I want to resurface the memory, because we need to talk about it. In order to solve the problem, we have to break it down to the root.

A knock on the door interrupts my thought process. Michael's here.

"Come in," I call, and the door swings open.

Timidly, Michael enters the room, sitting down carefully on the couch across from me. This is how I know that it's Michael. Michael is quiet and soft spoken. His movements are cautious, like he's afraid he'll get chided for a step out of place. Gordon, on the other hand, is loud and obnoxious. He would be sprawled out on the couch like he owned the place.

"Hello, Michael," I greet him.

"H-Hi," he replies, giving me a smile that appears to be genuine.

"How are you doing today?"

"Um, g-good," he says, but there's something off.

"Has Gordon made an appearances since the incident with Ashton?" I ask, clicking my pen so I can take notes.

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