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Gerard's POV
I walked down the halls into the cafeteria where I saw the boys sitting together. I got my food and headed over.
" Sup guys?" I said
" We're just talking about y/n." Mikey said
" Anything bad?" I said
"Nope she's really nice she should join our group."frank said.
" Yeah where is she?" Ray said
I shrugged and looked around Mikey pointed to the door.and there stood a very confused y/n she held her bag looking at the floor she must have spit her gum out cuz she was chewing the skin around her fingers again. I waved my arms trying to get her attention. She looked over at me and smiled. God that smile is so beautiful. Wait what tf am I thinking!? Y/n began to walk over. She gripped her bag tight her fingers were bleeding. Oh shit. I began digging in my backpack again. I pulled out a band-aid. Once she made it over to me she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist. God she smells so good. It that cologne? Awesome. When she let go I looked at her face. She had been crying her makeup was smudged all over har face.
"Hey are you alright?" I said as I grabbed her hand and wrapped a bandaid around her finger.
" C-can I talk with you in private?" Her eyes began to water. I nodded and held her hand while we went into the halls. We walked over to the bathrooms and sat outside.
" Hey do you wanna talk about it?" She began to cry. She sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder while she cried.
" A-a boy h-he..."
"Hey it's okay you can tell me."
"I was walking to the lunchroom when a boy pinned me up against the lockers... He-he umm he kissed me without my permission a-and h-he put his hands up my shirt... I tried to push him off but he didn't get off...I managed to get out of his grasp but he grabbed my arm my arm warmer fell off..."
I am so pissed right now! Y/n hugged me again I held her tight. She is shaking so bad right now.
"Hey pumpkin do you wanna go outside?" She nodded we stood up.while we are walking she got really close to me. Y/n was still shaking what this guy did was wrong and made her very uncomfortable. She was so terrified. We made it outside without anyone noticing. We stood under the tree, we hugged each other she cried into my shoulder as I rubbed her back. She held on so tight like this was the last time we'd ever see each other. She let go of me.
" Do you maybe have anything to cover this?" She held out her arm which was covered in cuts and scars. I hugged her tight.
" Y/n please don't do that again." She nodded and I grabbed my arm warmers out of my backpack and handed them to her. She put them on and hugged me yet again. I didn't mind though I loved her touch she was so gentle. she let go and sat on the ground she began to chew her fingers again I handed her another piece of gum she took it. After a few seconds of chewing she blew a bubble, it was the biggest bubble I had ever seen. When it popped gum landed on her nose she giggled and pulled it back into her mouth. She's so adorable.

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