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Ur pov
I woke up in Gerard's arms. The sun wasn't up but I still felt like I needed to get up. I slowly moved Gerard's arms off of me and I crawled off the couch. I tiptoed to the bathroom and changed back into my swimsuit. I went out to the pool. It was lit up with lights surrounding the backyard. I zipped up my oversized sweatshirt. The zipper was cold on my belly it sent shivers up my spine. I made my way over to a pile of rocks just sitting there by the garden. Probably just some rocks pulled out of the garden. I began flipping the rocks over and found a little lizard looking thing. It was yellow with black stripes down it's back.
Y/n" aww aren't you just adorable... Your a pretty salamander. I think I'm gonna name you bandit."
I held the salamander carful not to hurt it. I rolled up my sleeves and let it crawl allover my arms. I put the rocks back how they were and sat there for a little longer with bandit. Soon another salamander came over it was orange with black stripes.

Y/n" aww you so cute! I'm gonna name you Helena."
You heard the door open and close. You turned around and saw a very sleepy Gerard.

Y/n" sorry did I wake you up?"

A1 oh yeah i got Helena and bandit."

Gerard" oh cool what are they?"

Y/n" there salamanders... Wanna hold one?"

Gerard" yeah sure."
I placed Helena in his hand Helena crawled allover Gerard's hand.

Y/n" give it more space!"
Gerard rolled up his sleeves to reveal cuts allover them.
Oh Gerard my love...
I traced my fingers along the cuts on his arms.

Y/n" shared trauma..."
That's all you could think of. Gerard put the salamander down and so did I. I rolled up my sleeves.

Y/n" you know I was planning on ending it all after I moved here. I found a good spot where nobody would find me... Down under the bridge by the Taco bell. But I've changed my mind you made life worth living. Thank you Gerard..."

Gerard" y/n..."
Garard hugged you super tight.

Gerard " y/n your my best friend thank you for telling me this. please don't do it ever you mean so so much to me."
Without even thinking you kissed his nose. You were thankful it was dark out cause you were blushing so hard right now. Gerard smiled and returned the favor. You smiled so big. Gerard looked at the salamanders and started laughing historically.

Y/n" what the fuck?"

Gerard " LOOK!"
The salamanders we're doing what looked like making out. I began to laugh too. We left the salamanders alone and sat by the pool. Gerard left to go change into his swimsuit. I sat on the edge of the pool my feet in the water. Gerard came running outside and sat next to me. I slowly unzipped my sweatshirt and took it off. I hate my belly. I wrapped my arms around my stomach covering the stretch marks and fat.

Gerard" hey... You don't need to cover up around me. I'm not gonna judge I'm not perfect either..."
You smiled and looked down at your feet. Slowly you let go of your stomach and put your hands to your sides.
Y/n" your not even fat you are perfect."

Gerard " and so are you y/n I don't care if you have rolls I do too your fucking beautiful okay."
You blushed as Gerard held your hand. "Ready to jump in?" You nodded Gerard jumped in before you. You slowly got into the water adjusting to the temperature. You swam to the shallow end of the pool. Gerard followed you. You stood holding his hand in the pool. You opened your arms asking for a hug. Gerard hugged you holding on tightly.
Gerard" I love you man."

Y/n" I love you too. As a friend of course."

Gerard" yeah totally that would be weird."

Y/n" yeah."
Something made you feel like shit when he said that.
" Gerard I love your hair."

Gerard" thank you I love your hair too. Do you think you could dye my hair like that?"

Y/n" oh yeah sure that'd be awesome!"
Gerard kissed your nose causing you to blush even harder. You kissed his and he smiled.

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