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Wendy starts crying.

Njabulo: (yells) Wow

Everyone looks by our direction and he sees us.

Me: (yells) Way to go Richard…

We place our stuff down and leave. We enter the car

Richard: NO wait… I can explain.

He starts hitting the car

Richard: Wendy… baby I can explain. It’s not what you think it is.

I grab my water and open it, throwing it at him. It splashes all over his outfit. His bitch was also standing there with us.

Me: (yells) Cheater !!!

Njabulo drives out and we head back home.


We enter the house and the guys are playing hide and seek with the kids.

Wendy: I need to lie down…
Me: go on love, there are spare rooms on your right.

She heads upstairs and Quinton appears, carrying Nefi who was holding 2 marshmallows

Quinton: (places nefi down) what’s wrong ?
Me: (sighs) we bumped into Richard at the mall with his bitch
Quinton: yhoo, and then what happened ?
Me: we left. It was unexpected.

Andrè appears with Thingo who also had marshmallows in his hands.

Andrè: what’s going on…
Njabulo: Richard is cheating on Wendy.
Andrè: What !!!
Me: we bumped into him at *** Mall
Andrè: Ohh Shit…

Thingo was eating his marshmallows, minding his own business.

Andrè: so where’s wendy ??
Me: upstairs In one of the guest rooms. She’s depressed.

I honestly felt like this was our fault. This happened so fast, it shouldn’t have happened.

Me: Titi??
Thingo: Sisi (sweets)
Me: why so many sweets ??
Thingo: Mama, ahh (have a taste)

I go to him and open my mouth, he gives me his marshmallow.

Me: Thank you Neh ?
Thingo: funa ??
Me: haa

Nefi comes running with her bracket legs. All my babies had brackets ( ). They got it from Q, he’s selfish. He wants all these kids to look like him.

Nefi: (giggles)

She runs up to me, hiding behind me. Sbahle runs inside, wearing his iron man mask, looking for nefi.

Sbahle: mama, wheres nefi..

She screams, hugging my legs.

Sbahle tip toes behind me and scares her. She screams and starts laughing, she then starts crying and sbahle carries her.

Sbahle: Sorry Nefi, sorry.

She stops and eats her marshmallows

Sbahle: Cela ?? (Can I please have)
Nefi: mhhh

She gives him the marshmallow.

Sbahle: Mhh, dankie.
Nefi: ahh (open your mouth)

He opens his mouth

Nefi: (cries) sisi (sweet)

She starts crying.

Me: ohh Lord these kids.
Quinton: haii Nefertiti…

She stops crying.

Nefi: Dada (smiles)
Andrè: can my baby come already. They made me forget about this issue for a minute.

We head to the living for sometime. Me and Njabulo went upstairs to check on Wendy and she was asleep, so we let her get some rest


The kids were finally asleep after being hyper for 4 hours.

Me: it’s those sweets you gave them.
Quinton: it was uncle Andrè over here
Andrè: you have way too many sweets, when last did I have wine gums and Marshmallows…

The door swings open

…: Wendy…

We all look and its Rich. He enters the living room. He was intoxicated

Richard: Where is My Wendy.

I look at Quinton, I was getting pissed hey.

Njabulo: your Wendy ?? The same Wendy You cheated on ??
Richard: mxm… where is she…
Me: No where near you.

I get up and pass him. He follows me.

Me: where are you going ??
Richard: you are the reason for this ?
Me: uban ?? ME. (fake laughs) She knew all along Richard.

He grabs my arm, hurting me

Me: Ouch… Richard !!!!

I see Quinton appearing and he pushes Richard out of the way and slaps him so hard, he came out blood. He punches him countless times

Quinton: (roars) You wanna fucking Touch what’s mine… I’ll show you
Me: (yells) Quinton…. Stop…
Njabulo: Quinton…

Andrè goes to them and separates them. There was so much blood on the floor, I look and Quinton’s iris is red. He looked like some creature

Me: Q… (gasps)

I look and Richard is bleeding profusely and is unconscious

Me: what is going on ??

Quinton walks out and I see Andrè take out his phone and calling someone

Me: (breathing heavily) Njabulo…
Njabulo: there is something you need to know…


Ma, Steven and Tevin walk in. Ma comes towards me whilst Tevin attends to Richard

Me: Ma, what’s going on ? Why did Quinton turn into some creature
Ma: we are gonna need to sit down for this… it’s serious

We head upstairs. Q appears with blood all over his body. He looks at me, and I look at him, roll my eyes at him and enter the guest room. I was confused and Mad. We sit on the bed.

Me: ma ??
Ma: so… uhmm the good news is that, you are Quinton’s soulmate.
Me: I don’t understand…
Njabulo: babes, Redello’s turn into creatures when something triggers them, it’s mainly when someone wants to or hurts the ones they love.
Me: (rubs head) huh ??

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