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The role of a father: to serve and protect his kids, no matter the circumstances.
The role of a husband: to love, cherish, honour and protect his partner throughout

I’d do anything for them, my babies and my wife, even if it means laying down my life for them.

Gerald: again.
Me: (groans)

I got punched, kicked, scarred and electrocuted.

Gerald: what happened to my daughters Redello.
Me: (deep voice) I told you, I don’t know.
Gerald: isn’t it funny, how my daughters died when they came to see you.
Me: I didn’t do anything to (groans) ahhh
Gerald: my daughter’s, Victoria and juliet  Girardi
Me: (groans) I killed them… yess I killed them. They wanted to kill sbahle so I killed them.

He electrocutes me again and stops.

Me: (groans) My son, my heir. They deserved to die. You sent them to kill my heir. If you came and got what you wanted, maybe they would be alive and you dead.

He starts crying

Gerald: Yes. I should be dead. You don’t know, how many times I beat myself up everyday because of this. I (hits his chest) should be dead. My precious daughters burned to ashes in what used to be your house. Their Mom is in a mental asylum now because of how traumatized she is right now. We… Me and my wife sent them to you. Now I lost my family because of you.
Me: you wanted to kill my son.
Gerald: they told us your son will be the end of our Family. That’s why We wanted to end him.
Me: he never did anything to you.
Gerald: (cries) We thought it would happen when he starts growing older but if only we knew that you would kill half of us for him.
Me: maybe you… you should have asked for a clear prophecy because your dumb asses clearly didn’t understand whatever that person said.

He looks at me and takes out his gun

Me: (groans)
Gerald: let me finish this and leave your family mourning like I did, plus your mom is just like my wife. They will both meet at the Mental asylum.
Me: (roars) let me go and let’s fight man to man old man.


Me: here… 

We all get out and run inside the warehouse.


We run inside and Q has gunshot wounds in his chest, unconscious.

Me: you fucker.

I shoot Gerald and run to Q. I untie him and Dad runs in.

Me: (hits Q's face) Q… wake up
Quinton: (coming out blood in mouth)
Me: Q…

He looks at me. Tevin runs in and we take him to the hospital. The rest of the guys stay behind and finish off with the rest of the job.


Doc: He is out of danger but he slipped into a coma. We don’t know when he will be out of it, but keep him in your prayers and even expect the worst because one of the bullets almost reached the heart.
Me: (nods) thanks doc.

Dad appears

Dad: where is Gerald ??
Richard: the Men, Uncle Tevin and Floyd are on their way back to our warehouse.
Dad: Good. I want to amputate that motherfuckers head.




I look and its Andrè.

Me: Baby…
Andrè: hi, uSharp ??
Me: no, how is her. Are you okay ??
Andrè: yes, he is out of danger but he slipped into a coma.
Me: (covers mouth) so… where is Gerald ?
Andrè: We are gonna deal with him after Q is awake.
Me: (sigh) Okay ke. Are you safe ??
Andrè: yes we are, is baby Gio.
Me: (smiles whilst rubbing tummy) He is okay, he has been kicking since this whole saga began.
Andrè: I’ll back soon. Please look after yourself sthandwa sam’ okay ??
Me: I will. (Gio kicks) oop…
Andrè: what’s wrong ??
Me: Baby Gio said hello.
Andrè: (chuckles) when did he say that ?
Me: he just kicked.
Andrè: really ??
Me: mhh hmm. He loves you, I want a girl after him..
Andrè: we’ll give him a sibling when he turns 6 months okay.
Me: (blushes) yes. I miss you.
Andrè: I miss you too. I’ll call you again neh.
Me: okay. I love you.
Andrè: I love you more. Tell Gia to kiss Gio for me.
Me: (giggles) I will.

I hang up and head to ma.

Me: ma…

Both her and Gia were watching TV, looking depressed

Me: he’s out of danger.
Ma: (cries) oh thank you God. Thank you
Me: but… he slipped into a coma. So we must still keep him in our prayers.



Me: Nandi…
Nandi: hi. What’s up ??
Me: babes, Q got shot.

There is silence

Nandi: huh ??
Me: he got shot.
Nandi: okay and ?? Ngenzeni mina ??
Me: haa.
Nandi: look Preggy neh, mina I don’t care about him. I wish he died either way.
Me: you don’t mean that…
Nandi: but I Do. Please don’t call me if it has anything to do with that man.
…: (deep voice) nefi is asleep…
Me: wait? Who is that ?
Nandi: someone.
Me: Nandi, have you replaced Q…
Nandi: what if I did ??
Me: so quick ??
Nandi: you didn’t say that to Wendy though.
Me: (sighs) yazini Nandi… you will feel like a bitch after you find out the truth. Nasi… I know you are in pain but…
Nandi: okay Preggy, Bye bye.

She hangs up.

Me: haa…

Gia looks at me

Ma: I told you… She won’t forgive. Never.
Gia: she even blocked me when I told her Q still loves her.
Me: yho. Let’s just hope she understands later.
Gia: trust me, Q will fight. I know he will. For his kids.



Q is still in a Coma and Baby Gio was gonna be born in one of these days so I had to head back home. Dad, Floyd and Richard + Some guards are still in Moz.

Njabulo: (breathes heavily)
Me: I’m here baby. I’m here.
Njabulo: why is it so sore.
Mom: I’m here nana, I’m here. Hold on.
Andrè: Gia, rub mfethu.
Gia: I am, my hands are also hurting phela
Njabulo: (pushes whilst screaming)
Tevin: okay… I see the head.

She pushes again.

Njabulo: (gasps) ahh… (cries)
Me: I’m here baby. I’m here.
Njabulo: baby, I… (cries)
Tevin: push Mama. Push.

She pushes and the head pops out.

Me: oww shit.
Tevin: push…

She grabs my hand and pushes.

Me: baby.. he’s here.
Tevin: 1 more push, come on.
Me: 1 more baby. You got this

She pushes and the baby comes out.

Me: He’s here. He’s here baby.

I kiss her.


Njabulo: (cries)
Me: baby (cries)
Tevin: take.

He gives me a scissor to cut the umbilical cord. I cut it and the nurse gives me Gio.

Me: hey there boy (cries)

I give him to his mother.

Njabulo: (cries) he’s so perfect.

My mom hugs me.

Mom: well done my babies.

I watch her place baby Gio on her chest.

Mom: why does he look like a mixture of Gia and Steven ?
Me: I also thought the same thing.
Gia: whats his name ?? gio.
Me: Giovanni Ntsika Redello.
Gia: he looks like me when I was young so I understand where the Gio name comes from.
Me/Njabulo: (laugh)
Tevin: 1 down, 2 to go.
Me: two ?
Tevin: Quinton to wake up and Wendy to give birth.
Everyone: oh.
Gia  (whispers in my ear) I thought he was gonna say…
Mom/Njabulo: Nandi. Same.

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