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We have been getting the preparations ready for our small wedding.

Quinton: huh ?

I fold my arms and look at him.

Me: keng ?
Quinton: haaa !
Me: (smiles)
Quinton: (smiles)

Someone walks in

…: Why are you both smiling at each other like that.

We turn around

Me: ow nothing, just an intimate moment
Richard: Well… The venue is set.
Me: (nods)
Richard: Suits are almost done, Invitations were sent to the people you wanted to be around ONLY.

The guys walk in.

Sergio: Q, I’m the best man right.
Richard: shut the fuck up.
Floyd: it’s definitely me.
Quinton: nah, it’s Andrè and Chris.

They keep quiet.

Serino: haaa, njani.
Reuben: I knew that.
Me: even the dumbest person would’ve known that, let me go. I have a dress to go fit in.
Sergio: they said you’re dumb (laughs out loud)

I kiss Q and walk out. Me and the girls go and fit in our dresses and go check the decor. My Maid of Honour was Alicia and the rest of the girls were my bridesmaids. It was a small wedding, so +/- 50 people would be there. We take a stop and go get something to eat and go back home.

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