𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬

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As I thought, Sukia literally raised hell as soon as I revived her. She demanded for rematches even though I told her that Frost was long gone dozens of times. Even when I transmitted us back to our ship she was still screaming and cussing to the point I had to fly the ship by hacking the controls. At least after about ten to fifteen minutes of pacing and muttering Sukia eventually sat down in the seat of our ship. "You finally get it all out of your system?" I asked her.

The brunette gave no response as she took back control of the Callisto Lancer, a ship we were given from Tess for putting on another great Crucible match last weekend. I stared at her frustrated face for a few seconds before looking out the window. I can understand why she's furious.. all this time she was undefeated. Unbroken. Until now.. let alone by a New Light. There was no doubt in my mind that Frost was special. And deep down I had a feeling this would be the results of challenging him to a dual.

When we returned to the Tower it was buzzing with excited and pumped up Guardians and Ghosts, even the workers seemed energized. I could only imagine that it was because they watched the heated match between Sukia and Frost. Let alone seeing the first Guardian to wield two supers at the same time.

Shaxx was the first to approach us, giving us one of his usual shouts. "That fight was amazing, Guardian! The Light from your super was so blinding that it made the channel's video glare white for a solid minute! We would all love to see another showdown between the both of you again! I'm rooting for you." The red and white Titan gave her encouraging words that didn't seem to phase my Guardian at all. The frustration in her olive green eyes never leaving. She didn't even look up at Shaxx while he was talking to her.

After he left it was Commander Zavala that walked over to us with his hands behind his back. This time Sukia's eyes did rise up from the ground to look up at the Awoken. "Don't let this defeat bring you down, Sukia." Zavala's deep voice had a comforting tone in it. "I hope you know that each battle is a lesson learned. Never forget that." With that, the Commander of the Vanguard walked off back to the Hall of Guardians.

I saw Sukia's brows furrow a little as she looked back down at the ground again and I knew she had taken his words the wrong way. She's probably wondering what she could've done differently..

Sukia's thoughts were broken by a gentle hand to her shoulder by Cayde-6. "How about you come with me?" He asked while pointing a thumb back to the hallway that lead to the Tower North.

The brunette followed after the Exo and looked up at the fellow Hunter on the corner of her eye as she spoke up, "...You're not gonna praise me for putting up a good fight?"

Cayde laughed before responding, "Why would I congratulate you on getting defeated? You looked mad as hell! I highly doubt the last thing you wanna hear is someone tell you good job." I noticed Sukia's tense shoulders finally relax a little after hearing Cayde's words much to my relief as I floated after them.

"You should be proud of your Guardian." Sundance commented while appearing next to me. "She fought hard."

I looked from Sundance to Sukia walking in front of me and I spoke in a soft voice where my Guardian wouldn't overhear me. "...I am. I always am."

As soon as we got to the Hangar, Cayde offered if she wanted to practice throwing knives at some cans for fun. By the cuts in the metal I could tell that Cayde had already been doing this for a while, probably growing bored of his work. Of course, Sukia accepted the challenge and hit can after can with her flaming knives with flawless precision. No surprise that Cayde-6 was just as good at hitting the targets. "Tell me what's on your mind, Sooks" Cayde-6 calls her out, obviously seeing something rotating in her head to reflect the doubt in her eyes.

𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 •Part 2• (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now