𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐎𝐟𝐟

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With the famous reputation Fireteam Eclipse was building and the victories one after another that kept piling up, the two Hunters were persistently in the wilds. Finding civilizations and escorting them to the Last City and defeating anything that threatens it. And after the rescue of Sagira, defeating Xol, and even recieving a good word from the Queen of the Awoken, their constant work had finally became a concern to the Vanguard leaders.

"What the fuck?" Sukia was the first to speak, her tone sounding like she was just insulted.

"Look, your fireteam has been on the field ever since it was formed." Cayde-6 spoke to us. Sukia, me, Frost, and Nova were in the Hall of Guardians. Summoned by the commander, Ikora, and Cayde-6. "We acknowledge all you both have done, but you guys need to take it easy now before you drop." Cayde's tone was stern when speaking to Sukia. When the two were in public, Cayde always was more serious with my sassy Guardian just to cover up any suspicion if people suspected them to be lovers.

"Seriously?" Sukia crossed her arms. "You think we can't take the heat or something? We keep going till we drop and then some."

"I have to agree with Sukia." Frost finally speaks up, siding with his partner. "There could be more people out there that need our help. Do you really expect us to sit by?"

Commander Zavala takes a step towards us while speaking. "The people that need help will get helped. There are more Guardians than just the two of you. Have faith in others." The Awoken Titan says in a firm voice as if making a promise.

Frost's lips purse as he looks away. Nova floats a little closer to his doubtful Guardian with encouraging words. "The commander is right. Some r&r will make you stronger for the battles ahead."

Ikora looks over to Sukia. "If you drop, then how will you keep fighting?"

Sukia frowns sourly while crossing her arms with a 'tch' sound. This time it's my turn to fly closer to my own Guardian with a comforting chirp. "C'mon, Suki, this is our chance to do something fun! Lets go get some spicy ramen!"

Both Sukia and Frost looked at each other. Eventually Sukia lets out a loud sigh while throwing her head back. "Ah, fucking hell..."

Frost cracked a smile while looking at her before finally turning back to the Vanguard leaders. "Alright, we accept. But only for a day."

Ikora gives the two Hunters a smile. "That's all we ask. Have fun, you four."

"We will!" I say to Ikora before following after the others. Sukia was the first to leave the room, mumbling curses beneath her breath while Frost and Nova followed close behind.

As soon as I caught up to Sukia's side, Frost joined her other side while putting his hands behind his head then speaking up. "So, what do you wanna do? Maybe we can go sightseeing in the city? Remind ourselves what we're fighting for? Shimmer said you like spicy ramen. I know a restaurant-"

"We ain't doin shit together.", Sukia sasses Frost. "I gotta look at your mug all day, every day! Go do something else, will ya?" With that, she quickens her steps to walk away from him. Though it was unnecessary since Frost eventually came to a stop in his tracks.

The white haired man sighed with a shake of his head. "Are you ever going to let me in..?" He mumbles to himself, knowing how his partner works fairly well by now. Her walls were how she protects herself and copes. In other words, he didn't have 100% of her trust. Frost then looked up at his Ghost and smiled at him. "Well, I guess it's just you and me today, buddy."

"Fine by me!" Nova says with a twirl of his shell and floated after Frost as they went a different direction. "You don't need that maniac anyways. We'll have plenty of fun ourselves!" He tries to cheer up his Guardian, making Frost give a chuckle then lecture Nova for calling Sukia names again.

𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 •Part 2• (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now