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Warning: If you haven't read the first dimensional yandere book, read that first. This contains some spoilers of that and also should read the first to understand the story better. You had been warned. If you did read the first, then enjoy.

No one pov:

A Neko that had used a watch used to go to multiple dimensions full of demons, vampires, monsters, and a lot of ladies sickly in love with him. He was close to a lake, and he blamed the watch for getting him away from his dying grandma. He smashed it and he went away from the sight. It seemed that the watch was just nothing but little pieces and never function again. It was thought to be the end of it journey, but fate in this world said otherwise. Not long after the cat boy was gone, a man was walking in the park coming close to where the watch pieces were at. His name was Dr. Johnathon Andrewson or John for short, and he is a very smart scientist. He was also the brother to one of the scientists who created the watch in that facility that was burned down. John never worked there but he saw and gotten to know a lot about the watch. He tried to find it, but the Neko gotten it first until now.

John pov:

I was going for a walk in the park next to the lake. I felt like I needed fresh air from everything that has that happened. My brother died over a month ago from that fire. I was overcome with sadness and loss. I loved him but also, it's not the only thing that's loss. He and his coworkers made a watch to take anyone into multiple dimensions. I tried to find it in that rumbled but never found it. The fire must have destroyed it. 

John: why does wonderous work have to be...

Then I thought I saw something shinny and bit blue. I came closer to it. It turned out to be brighter when I came closer. It then became familiar, and I froze for a bit.

John: could it be?

I saw the watch that I looked for, but it was in pieces. I looked around if there was anyone around, they could have had the watch, but I didn't see anyone. They must have smashed it and went away before I came around. I looked at the watch pieces again. I had a rush of excitement, happiness, and a bit of sadness. I had found the thing I wanted most however it was in pieces. I picked up all of the pieces then I put them in my coat. I decided to walk back home. The watch is in pieces but. 

John: I can remake you in my style

I'm now determined to remake what my brother and the other scientists started. 

No one pov:

John got back to his home which was in a small neighborhood right outside of the city. He went to his lab he had. He got the pieces on his desk and puts his gloves on. He had eyes of want and excitement.   

John: now... let's begin my precious 

Timeskip 1 year:

John worked hard on the watch. He also had to keep working in his job so he can afford a living and also to get supplies he needed. He sometimes ended up stealing those items. Nobody knew it or what he was doing. It had become an obsession on John. He decided to make a new watch design but also used the old pieces of the watch. He knew the watch might take the person to a same dimension that whoever used it when to because of using some of those pieces. The also watch looked much different and a new color.

John: I think I will do green

He also got to put more charges in the watch with some very special substances that are hard and long to make. He made the watch using the old blueprints of the watch that his brother had before the fire. Eventually, it was almost complete.

John: yes, it's almost finished. Now I need to power it up.

He needed power to be able to get the watch started up. He first had to get the watch ready to absorb power and electricity. Soon the lab was ready to do the job. John had a large generator and also decided to use power from his house to make sure the watch will get enough power. Soon the power and generator were connected to the watch. 

John: now LIVE HAHAHA!

He turned on the power and it had begun. It was powering the watch faster than expected. Soon it was almost fully powered. John was so happy until something seemed wrong. The watch started to glow. It got brighter and brighter. The generator caught on fire and lightbulbs were popping. John lost his smile and knew what's going to happen as the watch glowed more.

John: oh shit

In seconds, the house exploded and killed John with it. Soon the fire department put it out then left. The house and inside of it was destroyed except one thing. The watch was fully powered now, and it now waits for a new owner. Who would get this wonderous watch next? What would they do with it? What kind of dimensions and places they would see if ever they use it to it's true power? 

Dimensional Yanderes 2 (Yandere Girls x Dog/Inu Boy reader)Where stories live. Discover now