(5) the cattle drive (Edited)

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Not mine!

~❤️Y/n pov❤️~

"We thought it'd be fun. We thought we'd be safe, but... we didn't realize the... horror waiting for us on the island. Claws...teeth...Screaming... so much screaming" Darius said as the fire crackled

"How much screaming?" Ben asked scared

"Shh! He's getting to the good part" Kenji said 'didn't he just start?'

"The T. rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide-" Darius said before a flash stopped him



"For the vlog. Keep telling your little story" Brooklynn said making Darius sigh

"Oh, here you go" Kenji said getting back in the mood

A/n I forgot to make the chapter but all four of the raptor eggs hatched and all the kids know about them!

"The T. rex sta—" Darius said

"Dang!" Brooklynn said making everyone look at her


"One out of space and two y/n get your stupid raptors away from my phone!" Brooklynn shouted

"They're just sitting there!" I defended

"I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" Brooklynn said ignoring me and showing Sammy the picture


"Maybe I should start over" Darius said at this point I knew he would never finish his story so I got up with my four raptors and we walked off.

A few minutes later ben came running inside and I looked outside to see it's raining I decided to put the raptors to sleep. They all went to sleep pretty quickly thankfully. When I was about to get up and go to my bunk I looked at the door way to see Ben shaking in fear.

"Ben, what's wrong?" I asked walking over to him

"I-I'm a little scared from the story Darius told..." Ben replied not looking me in the eyes

"Don't worry how about tonight I sleep in your bunk?" I asked blushing thankfully because of the darkness he couldn't see it

"S-sure" Ben said with pink dust on his face

~📆The next day📆~


"This is gonna be so much fun!"

"Oh, man! I'm driving!" Ben said next to me pointing at me

"Alright alright!" I said giggling a bit

"We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!" Darius said

"Saddle up, dudes, dudettes, and non-binaries if any! We're going on a cattle drive but with dinosaurs! It's a Dino drive!" Dave said making sure to include everyone

"And just to be clear all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" Ben asked

"Well, they only chewed up the last kid a little, so we're like, 99% sure they're cool" Roxie joked

"Funny, they won't attack us if we don't do anything to them" I tell Ben

"Y/n is right. Anyway park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd" Roxie saids

"Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!" Darius says

"You may wanna consider a new jam, bro" Kenji saids rudely but me and Ben just walk over to a gyrosphere in the back

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