🦖Darius option🦕(5/5-16)

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I'm sorry for not posting. March is a really busy month for me. With spring break, my birthday, vacation, Oliver, missing work, me and my best friend getting into a fight/argument, and much much more it's overwhelming. Not to mention how my depression and anxiety levels have been over the roof, but on a more happy note my birthday is on march 23! In only a few days!

~❤️Y/n pov❤️~

I waited for Oliver to go in the gondola with James. Right before they left James quickly gave me the safe before getting back in the gondola. Ben looked over to me and kissed my cheek, before walking to the raptors and Bumpy. As Ben walk off Darius looked at me with a face full of curiosity.

"Whatever it is 'no'" I said walking to the gondola

"Fine, I'll just go with Ben then" Darius said right before the doors closed

I snapped my head over to him to see him waving me off.

"He's gonna kill Ben" I mumbled "Well, not my problem right now" I said sitting down with the safe in my lap. I closed my eyes trying to remember what is inside the safe, however, nothing came to mind. I let out a frustrated groan opening my eyes to see the padlock. "Owen said something about how I'm always in danger and say that whatever the fuck is in this would help me. So, is it something that will sense danger? Something to protect me? Or something to take my away from danger?" I questioned glaring at the safe. "What if?" I said bring the safe to my ear and turning the nob. However, nothing was heard. I continued to try this for a while and with no luck. "It has to be some important date or time. What about my birthday?" I said putting in my birthday only for nothing to happen. I sighed as I reached the top. I walked out of the gondola and decided to check on Yaz and Brooklynn. I watched as Yaz walked off and Brooklynn tried to pick the lock to one of the hang gliders. I rolled my eyes and walked up to her. "Move for a sec" I said making Brooklynn look at me before moving. I grabbed the safe tightly and hit the lock as hard as possible making it break.


"I'm tired of you and Yaz fighting" I said

"Okay then" I heard Brooklynn mumbled "Hey Yaz, Y/n broke the lock" Brooklynn said as we ran over to Yaz

"These aren't rocks" Yaz mumbled

"What" Brooklynn mumbled back

"These aren't rocks" Yaz said standing up and turning to us "they're eggs"

Me and Brooklynn gasped looking around to see many more eggs.

"And where there are eggs, there are..." Brooklynn said only to get cut off by a dinosaur screeching at us

Yaz softly put the egg down, while, me and Brooklynn stayed perfectly still.

"Back to the gondolas!" Yaz yelled running to the gondolas with Brooklynn

"Hell no" I mumbled looking at the dinosaur that screeched at me

An idea popped into my head making me smirk.

~Time Skip~

'How am I doing this' I shouted in my head. I had somehow tamed the dino and I'm now riding trying to get to Yaz and Brooklynn who took the glider. I got closer shooing every dinosaur that I could, but it wasn't enough. The dinosaurs broke the glider and Yaz and Brooklynn started to fall. I dove after them and reached my hand out to hopefully slow their fall down a bit. I grabbed the glider and with all of my strength pulled with the dino I was riding. We were still going down, but now at a safer speed. As we finally reached the ground I hoped off the dino and pat it's head, before it left. I walked over to Brooklynn and Yaz as they got up from the now broken glider.

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