Dandelions & White Roses

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Monday morning, Louis rode his bike to school. He usually takes the bus or skates there, but today he needs the fresh air on his face and both hands on the wheel. Because otherwise he might end up in an accident.

Yesterday he slept till noon, than he stood up all night and waited...he waited till he knew it was all safe for the night. So he only managed to get two hours of sleep.

He didn't tell him mom, he didn't tell his friends, and he didn't tell his best friend
Ivory either. Only he and Emily knew.


He had totally forgotten to text her the whole weekend. He just hopped she understood how dire the situation was.

He chained his bike on the rails in front of the school, and ran to his first class, late.

Lunch time came almost immediately for him, since he slept through geography and history of arts classes. He sat on the cafeteria and waited for Ivory to crash down besides him.

She did, but along with her came Emily.

"Hi Lou."-Ivy said and sat with her food on the table next to him.-"Oli's absent today, teacher said he's gonna get suspended for the number of absences. Wouldn't be surprised if he did."

"Mhm, heard."-Was all Louis said as he played with his plate of food. Everything felt so tasteless.

She looked at Louis strangely than at Emily on her side, she smiled and sat up.-"Imma grab a soda, anyone want anything else?"

The both nodded 'no'.

And she left them both alone.

"Are you feeling okay Louis?"-Emily said softly touching his hand from the other side of the table. The one with a bandage over it.

Louis retrieved it, holding it on his lap.-"I don't know how to feel yet."

"Louis, I understand if all this means that you don't want us to be a thing anymore."-Emily said than.

"It's...just. I want to be here for them...and doing this with you...it won't get me to be with them properly. I want to emotionally be there for them and only them. Completely."-Louis admitted...

Emily pursed her lips in a thin line.-"I get it. Did they...uhm do it again? If it's not a problem to say..."

Louis just nodded.

"You know anything about them? Something that might help you find them?"

"Only that they're something around 15-16 years old, and that they're clumsy...like abnormally clumsy."-Louis said with a sad little smile.

"I saw the little flowers everywhere. They're pretty actually...they must be too."-Emily admitted and rested on her elbows.-"I think they're lucky to have you as their soulmate Louis. Truly."

"I don't think I've been a good sou-..."

"There's no such thing as bad soulmates, Louis, not until you meet them. I know how it feels to watch your soulmate in pain and not be able to do a thing about. Be there for them the least. I don't feel bad that they lost an arm, or that they have a large scar of daffodils on the neck. I'll take it all, until I find them. Doesn't mean that I'll have to stick to them, life is all about new things, experiences...I'd be proud to tell them, that I once dated a nice man like you."-Emily said and held her ivy covered hand towards him.

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