18 again

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Once Louis let go of the boy, he stood straight and keep his head a little low.-"Sorry bout that..."-He scratched his forehead embarrassed.-"I can't multitask to save my life."

Louis looked at him questionably.-"Hold up. You call walking and talking multitasking?"-He laughed but than he noticed the boy wasn't joking.-"You're being for real?"

He bit his lip and nodded.

Louis couldn't truly hold his laugh any longer. So he just laughed at his face.

"Great, now I wanna go home."-The boy said crossing his arms over his chest.

Louis evened his breath and collected himself.-"No seriously, I don't know many clumsy people, but I've never heard one say the reason behind it is the fact that they can't multitask!"-he continued laughing.

"Mean."-He said huffing.

Louis shook his head.-"Didn't get to meet properly. Name's Louis Tomlinson."

The boy's eyes widened.-"The labels songwriter!?"-He lighted up in a second.

Louis chuckled.-"Yeah. And according to the meeting we just had...your co-songwriter."

"Cool!"-He half whispered.-"I've just, uhm, done some research and really the songs you've written under this label are a whole new level of songwriting."

"Thank you, probably because I had to decipher Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson poetry in college for 5 years."-Louis said sarcastically.

"Even more cool!"

"Trust me, it's NOT."-Louis emphasised.-"I still didn't get your full name tho?"

He chuckled apologising.-"Sorry, I'm Harry."

"Well Harry nice to meet you. Now I get why people are drawn into you like moths in the light."-He mumbled the last part but Harry heard.

Giving another awkward laugh as he played with his many rings.-"They kinda just wanted to talk..."

"Sure, but I'll have to steal you from them, I really need a few information before I start writing the starters."

Louis guided the way to his own studio, it was more like the living room of a teenager actually. Posters everywhere on the walls framed and signed by artists, carpeted floor to make the place look homely, paper and ink everywhere and in every corner, a set of guitars by the window, and a snack mini bar.

Louis threw away a half finished box of pizza from the table and an empty soda can.-"Sit on the couch, make yourself at home."

Harry walked his way to the couch and Louis had to stop him from hitting the little table in the middle.-"That was a close one."-Louis chuckled.

Harry looked away embarrassed.-"Sorry."

"It's not your fault for not managing to orientate your awkwardly long legs."-Louis said teasingly.

"Oh shut up, I'm doing more than fine here."-Harry said scrunching his nose.

"Yes you are."-Louis agreed jokingly making the boy even more mad.

"Like you would know what it feels to have long legs."-Harry mumbled crossing his arms over his chest, puffing it up.

Louis acted offended.-"Are you calling me short?"

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