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There's a million ways to end a story. And even after 'the end' it actually goes on and on, another chapter, another word, another world.

'There's a million worlds out there, and in each of them him.'


He wakes up the next day, light on clothes but warm on skin, a feeling he's never woke up to before.

High on this feeling that nuzzles his heart so gently.

There's an angel sleeping besides him, one with the prettiest sea-blue eyes and feathery blown hair. Breathing all so heavenly, peaceful features and a simple smile still on his lips. He'd like to wish it's him he's dreaming off even on his sleep.

He's been thinking of the best way to wake him up, something that's not just a nudge or a bite. Call him affectionate but he really wants attention and he can't get much when his soulmate is asleep. He stretched his hand to the nearby drawer, searching for the pin the other used to give him white flowers every morning, and when he found it, he pinched the little skin of his hand and put it back there.

That had Louis wake up panicked, a kiss having woken him as a white rose appeared on his hand. It takes him a moment to adjust with the surroundings. And when he does he goes back to snuggling Harry who's now laughing at his panicked face.-"Morning Lou!"-He said kissing his lips softly, a little of the last nights taste still lingering on them.

Louis brings him impossibly close and Harry's never felt more safe in someone's arms.-"You scared me for a moment Sun, I thought I'd woken up from the most wonderful dream...and you weren't there!"

Harry chuckled as Louis kissed his neck and shoulders, his cheek and than lips. It's all so warm and fuzzy he thinks.-"Didn't mean to scare you love, but I want attention and you sleep too much for my liking."

Louis groaned on his neck, tightening his hold around Harry.-"You don't sleep even a little to my liking, but really let's just stay in bed today."

"There's still glitter and sweat from the party all over us, we need to take a shower at least."-Harry said but than he noticed how he made it sound like they'd be showering together and blushed but now there was no stopping for Louis.

Louis smirked devilishly as kissed Harry's skin.-"Mhm, would actually get up for a shower together."

"Louis!"-Harry said hiding his face on the pillow besides him.

Louis turned him around to face him, Harry's face still red but eyes all longing.-"Hey there pretty one. Weren't you the little devil I meet last night? Back to being shy hmm."

"Louis!"-Harry hit his chest lightly and than buried his face there.-"We didn't do anything last night!"-They really hadn't done much, maybe Harry proved to Louis that he could be more than just cute and adorable but that's not the point here.

Louis chuckled kissing the top of his head.-"I think we did enough. Last night was the best night of my life, that's all I know."

Harry blushed even deeper, if that was even possible at that point.-"For me too...But now I'm going to take a shower."-He said as he got up before Louis could land a kiss on his pinkish sweet looking lips.

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