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"so yeah basically it started out as a bet but he actually started gaining feelings for you and truly loves you. he was just scared to tell us he didn't know what our reaction to him being gay or bisexual would  be. i guess he thinks it's not what's expected of him." jay finally finished explaining everything to sunoo, heeseung just backing up his points next to him.

sunoo gulped as he felt a slight feeling of remorse, sighing and biting his bottom lip nervously.

"and now he's missing and auntie's really worried nobody can find him and-"

"he's missing?" sunoo interrupted heeseung, the two elders only nodding.

"i'll find him," sunoo quickly said and slipped his shoes on, almost dashing out of the front door as the two followed behind to make their ways home, their worried expressions still looming on their faces.

sunoo ran through the pouring rain, following sunghoon's way home from school and frantically screaming his name everywhere, starting to get teary eyed since there was no sign of him.

"park sunghoon! sunghoon hyung!" he screamed everywhere and put his head in his hands, starting to sob but then quickly wiping his tears to continue finding the other.

he saw a very familiar figure walking near the bridge the two used to walk past together to go home. sunghoon seemed to have been walking farther and farther into the distance.

"sunghoon hyung!" sunoo screamed at the top of his lungs, cupping his hands around his mouth. sunghoon stopped and turned around, tears streaming down his face and eyes puffy.

sunoo quickly ran up to his lover and hugged him so tightly. tighter than ever. sunghoon was a bit surprised, yes. but regardless hugged back and wrapped his arms around the younger's waist - digging his head in sunoo's shoulder to cry more.

sunoo sniffled and took sunghoon's face into his hands, using his thumbs to wipe the taller's tears.

"you're so stupid hyung. everyone was worrying about you why would you just go missing like that," sunoo scolded sunghoon - who only hung his head low as a response. however sunoo lifted it back up again. 

"i'm so so sorry hyung i didn't hear your side of the story and-"

"no. you have nothing to be sorry about sunoo. i'm sorry, i'm really really sorry. i'm sorry for even starting it with a bet even if i truly fell for you just please. please give me another chance and if i fuck up again you can leave me but just please," sunghoon's glistening eyes looked into sunoo's.

sunoo just nodded his head as an answer.

this made the two smile through the mix of tears and rain on their face, sunghoon connecting their lips together and pulling sunoo's body closer if that was even possible. sunoo's hand traveled to the back of the older's head - tilting his own.

and when they both pulled away they just pressed their foreheads against each other's, bright smiles on both faces.

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