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"mum, dad. i need to speak to you guys about something." sunghoon had finally got the chance to have his parents sit in front of him and gather as a family.

"what is it son?" his dad asked in his naturally intimidating voice, but it only frightened sunghoon more.

"umm. i.. i'm dating sunoo, the one next door you know him. so, this meansss i'm bisexual," sunghoon finally spat out after continuous stuttering, slowly looking up at his parents to see what their reactions would be. they both just had small smiles on their faces.

"you still love me right?" sunghoon wanted to cry due to the fact he wasn't getting any answer and he didn't know how to feel or what to think.

"sunghoon," his mother took his hand, "we have loved you since the 8th of december 2002. and it's not going to change now."

sunghoon just sighed in relief before being engulfed in a big tight hug by both parents. it felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.


meanwhile for sunoo, he had just tried to slip it in really quickly and casually in a conversation at the dinner table.

"oh yeah i'm dating sunghoon by the way," this didn't go unnoticed by his parents and brother though. however he was startled and dropped his chopsticks when his mum started squealing and slapping her husband's arm.

"we're gonna have such a handsome son in law!" sunoo just groaned and dug his head into his hands to cover the embarrassed blush on his face.

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