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graduation day came in such a rush. it all seemed so quick for sunghoon who had gotten a basketball scholarship for college and was now getting dressed in his graduation gown and cap, looking up at his mum who had tears in her eyes whilst she was helping him.

"mum why are you crying? i won't be moving that far it's only like what? a thirty, fourty minute ride?"

"still, just let your mother be sunghoon." sunghoon just let out a soft laugh and shook his head.


sunghoon was chosen to represent his year and do a speech this year. he took a deep breath as he stood on the podium and looked at the vast amount of people in the crowd.

he cleared his throat and checked if the mic was working.

"ha, hi guys." he said nervously and scratched his nape when everyone started cheering.

"it's been a very hectic five years of studying for us guys but at least we got through it so i think we should all be proud of ourselves just for that. this journey has been incredibly freeing for me and all the fights, the bad reputation i may have gained does not define me. it doesn't define any of us, it didn't change who we are and most importantly - it didn't hold us back. i just wanted to say thank you to my parents, friends, family. but most importantly, not only my best friend, not only my tutor, not only my boyfriend but my soulmate. i wanted to say a special thank you to kim sunoo."

sunoo covered his red face when the spotlight went on him and caused everyone to turn around.

"thank you for helping me get those grades. helping me by just being there and existing because without you, i wouldn't be here right now and i really can't stress how grateful i am for you kim sunoo. thank you." sunghoon bowed and made his way of the stage after shaking the headmaster's hand.

there was a tooth-rotting smile on sunoo's face.


after the ceremony, sunoo ran up to sunghoon and engulfed him in the tightest hug ever, sunghoon wrapping his arms around his waist as he pulled back and connected their lips - one hand travelling up to cup his cheek.

their lips moved against each others in a soft kiss before they pulled away and looked at one another with huge smiles on their faces.

"i'm so proud of you sunghoon."

"thank you k-"

"oh god don't be cheesy again please," sunoo said and interrupted him with a kiss again. this time, sunghoon grabbed his hat without pulling away and threw it in the air, smiling in the kiss.

and even after all they went through, they always found a way back to each other.

[ the end . ]

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