Chapter 10

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Katie woke up to Bradley gently stroking her face. When she opened her eyes, he gave her a very warm smile and gave her a kiss.

"Good morning, darling." He smiled, his voice a little raspy.

"Good morning." He rubbed his cheeks and scratched his head.

He groaned and then laid his head on her bare stomach. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him. She laughed as he started kissing her chest and stomach. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him up so she could kiss him.

After they had gotten dressed after their quick morning rendezvous, Rooster pulled out his phone, and saw a new message in the group from Maverick.

Meet on base at 1000 hours. It's urgent.

They looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30. They took Rooster's bronco to the base. When they walked in together, hand in hand, everyone gave them a look. More specifically the "I know what you did last night and this morning" look. It made Katie's cheeks fire up into a deep shade of red. Bradley chuckled at her blushing. They all sat their talking, when Maverick, Cyclone, and Warlock all came in. Maverick looked like he had been crying. They all did.

"We have brought you all here today to discuss something very unfortunate that happened last night." Cyclone started. Maverick looked down, not wanting to show his tears forming.

"Commander Tom Kazansky passed away last night. We are all to attend the funeral in 3 days time. We will have no training. Training is to resume at 0600 in four days. You all are dismissed." Warlock finished.

Katie's heart hurt. She met Iceman when she was first at Top Gun. He wanted to meet her, because her mother also taught him, and wanted to see her daughter do what she taught him. Rooster was also deeply upset. He knew his father. He always said he respected his father greatly, and could see him in Rooster. Maverick stood there, no emotions behind his eyes except sadness. He left Cyclone and Warlock.

Katie looked at Rooster, her eyes watering. He wouldn't look at anyone. Not even Katie. He just abruptly left without a word. Everyone else looked as equally just was personal for Katie and Rooster. She wanted to talk to him, but she couldn't even process what was going on.

"You're not gonna run after him?" Bob asked.

"He knew my mother." Katie said as she shed a few tears.

"Your mother?" Payback asked.

"My mother taught here a long time ago. She taught Commander Kazansky, Captain Mitchell, and Rooster's father. He and Rooster's dad were friends. He became friends with my mom after graduating Top Gun. They kept in touch, but I had never met him until I went here. Then he kept tabs on me after I left." Katie explained, Phoenix sitting next to her on the table, rubbing her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Blaze." Fanboy sat on her other side and patted her knee.

"Rooster has known him since he was little. That's why he's so upset." Katie pointed out.

"He was one of the best pilots, if not the best pilot in my book. That man was my idol." Hangman wiped a tear away. Katie got up and gave him a hug.

Everyone looked up to Iceman. The fact they all knew him too. It was like a gut punch to them all.

Phoenix drove Katie home. Rooster's car wasn't there, meaning he was either at his house, the Hard Deck or the beach. She got changed into some sweats  and asked Jake to meet her at the Hard Deck...just in case Bradley had gotten drunk.

"Hey Jake." Katie said sadly.

"Aw come here, Kate." Jake pulled her into a hug.

She couldn't help but cry in his arms. She was so overwhelmed and sad about Iceman's death. She was worried about Bradley. He never mentioned why him and Mav got into a fight. Hangman rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

"Come on. Let's go see if Bradshaw is here." He held her hand and lead her into the bar.

They looked around and saw Bradley sitting at the bar, drink in his hand, sunglasses loosely hanging on his face. Jake nodded towards him, telling Katie to go get him.

"Bradley. Hey come on, sweetie. We gotta go. You gotta go home." Katie placed a gentle hand on his back.

"He's gone. Everyone who knew my father is gone." He slurred his words together.

"Maverick is still here." She suggested.

"Fuck Maverick." He spat drunkly.

"Okay thought guy. I'm taking you home." She said as she paid his tab and put his arm over her neck and wrapped her arm around his waist. Jake saw her walking and held the door open for her.

"Ohhhhhhoohoho look who is is. Jake Seresin. Hangman." Rooster drunkenly laughed.

"Had a little too much to drink didn't ya big guy?" Hangman chuckled.

"You've got some nerve Hangman." Rooster spat.

Hangman backed off in front of them. Katie had a worried look on her face.

"Katie let him go. He may get a little hostile." Jake said, kind of with a eagerness to his voice.

"Yeah Blaze. Let me go. I wanna have a little chat with my buddy ol pal Hangman." He pushed up his glasses. Katie knew he wanted to fight.

"I'm not letting you do this." Katie told them both.

"It's okay Katie. Let him. He's been wanting to do it for a long time. I can tell. Don't ya big guy?" Hangman smirked.

"Jake stop." Katie demanded.

"Don't call me big guy." Rooster was getting angry and putting his fists up.

"Katie go home." Jake told her.

"No I'm not letting you two fight each other over the goddamned past. You push each other's buttons! So what! Just talk it out and make up." Katie pleaded.

"I won't hurt him Katie. He just needs to blow off some steam." Hangman put his hands up.

"Damn right I do." Rooster sneered and then launched at Hangman.

"Bradley no!!" Katie cried. Hangman defended himself.

"Katie go home!" Jake yelled as he pushed Bradley off him. He punched him in the jaw.

"Jake stop!!" She yelled as she ran up to break them up. She flew to the ground by Bradley pushing her off him.

"Shit! Katie are you okay!?" Rooster immediately stopped and ran over to help her.

"Dammit Kate! This is why I said go home!" Jake got up off the ground.

"Get off me!" Katie yelled angrily.  She looked at the both of them and began to walk back to her jeep.

"Kat wait!" Brad yelled.

"Katie!" Jake yelled out.

"Both of you! Leave me alone!" She snapped at them, stopping them in their tracks.

She had tears in her eyes. She got in her jeep and sped off. She drove to Phoenix's. Bob and Fanboy were there. She spent the night crying to them about everything that happened. Bob and Fanboy left to go see if anyone needed help. Katie cried to Natasha for hours. Everything had hit a breaking point. Or so she thought.

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