Chapter 20

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Katie's POV:

I drove to Bradley's. I had to talk to him about what happened with Mav. I was still processing everything. Did I really want to push him away that fast as he came into my life? I could have a father if I wanted, but I don't know if I should believe him when he said he's wanted to be there since he found out my mom was pregnant. I walked up to Brad's door and started repeatedly knocking on his door.

"Kat, what in the hell? Are you okay?" He asked confused.

"I have to talk to you." I said and walked right inside. 

"Welcome in." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Funny. Wanna know why I bailed after training?" I asked.

He sat down on a barstool. "Sure." He looked up at me.

"I saw Maverick." I started.

"Did you talk to him?" He asked.

"I did. I wanted some answers. It ended in a fight. I told him after this mission that I never wanted to see him again. But now I'm starting to regret it. I don't know if I wanna push him away, Brad. I mean...that's my father. I told him that if he didn't let me fly on this mission that it would be the biggest thing he regrets." I rambled as I paced back and forth.

"Damn, Kat. You're ruthless." He chuckled.

"That's not why I'm here. He started talking about you." I saw him stiffen up at that.

"I asked why he pulled your papers. It's not for what you think, Bradley." I told him.

"And what would it possibly be for that he held me back four years?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Your mom, Brad. He said when she got sick, she made him promise her you would never fly. She didn't want to you to end up like your dad. So she made him promise to make sure you didn't fly. He said that he never once thought you weren't good enough. He just said that to make her look less suspicious. He said he did it so that she could live with the fact her son would be safe. And then she died and here you are. Those were his words." I told him.

I saw him sit there, taking it all in. I saw his eyes watering. 

"So he did it for my mom? Because she was scared of losing me?" His voice cracked slightly.

"Yeah, baby. He said he only wanted the best for you, but he swore to your mom that he would keep you safe if it meant you hated him." I walked to him and put my hands on his shoulders. 

I could see his breathing change. He was breathing faster to keep himself from crying. I pulled his head into my stomach, and I held his head. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cried. I could tell it was about his mom. 

"'re okay sweetie. It's okay, Bradley." I rubbed his head. 

"I had a fight with him, that night Commander Kazansky died. I told him that I wasn't going to believe in him, because that was what my dad did and he died." He looked up at me. 

My heart broke to see his eyes red and puffy. I wiped his tears away and kissed his head. 

"So we're both assholes?" I attempted to lighten the mood.

I heard him laugh. I loved his laugh so much. It made my hear warm to hear his laugh. 

"I guess we are, Blaze. Do you think we can fix this?" He sniffled.

"I think so. I think we all just need some space. This mission is all we can think about right now. We can figure it out later, my love." I kissed his lips. 

It was a sweet and long kiss. One we both needed. He stopped to look at me and smiled.

"God, you're perfect." He told me causing me to blush.

"I could say the same about you. You keep me grounded. I don't know how we lasted four years with barely any contact. I regret not talking to you those four years, except on birthdays and holidays. I regret not coming to see you at all." I told him and kissed him again.

"Yeah but it all worked out didn't it?" He looked and me and smiled.

"I love you so so much, Bradley Bradshaw." I grabbed his face and told him.

"Katie are everything to me. And I do not think I will ever stop loving you." He pulled me in for a kiss.

We stood there and hugged for a good five minutes. We both needed this, especially me. I needed this. I needed him. He kept me so calm in times I didn't know I could stay calm during. I needed to talk to Maverick. I needed to tell him that if he lets Bradley fly, he needs to come back safely. He needs to come back to me in one piece and alive. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man, and both of our lives were at risk. 

"Dance with me, babe." He stood to go throw on a vinyl. He put on my favorite song "Strangers In The Night" by Frank Sinatra on. He knew I loved dancing to that song. 

He pulled me close to him. I leaned my head on his chest as he rested his head atop mine. He had one of his hands holding mine, and the other was wrapped around my waist, keeping me close. My other hand rested around his waist, lightly scratching his back. He started to hum the lyrics to me. I love when he does that. I loved when he hummed or sang to me. When he sings, it brings me a whole other type of happiness. The song finished and then the next one played. We just danced. We wanted to be like this. I had my eyes shut and I was smiling so big, up until I heard a very loud honking noise come from outside. I felt Brad's head slowly move to look. He didn't say anything.

"What was that?" I looked up to ask. He had a look on his face as he looked out the window. There was nothing there.

"It was nothing, baby. Just someone not paying attention that's all. Everything is fine now." He assured her.

We danced to a few more songs before I got tired. I had to change out of the now clothes I there on over my swimsuit, and my swimsuit still damp underneath. Brad carried me bridal style upstairs, as I was too lazy to walk upstairs. I had a small bag of my clothes in his closet. I grabbed some underwear and thew it on. I grabbed one of his Hawaiian shirt and threw it on, considering I didn't have any loose clothes. I turned around to see him looking at me.

"Wow." He stood there with his mouth in the shape of an 'O' .

"Bradley Bradshaw I am too tired for that right now. Maybe in the morning." I teased.

"Damn." He acted upset as he got into bed.

We laid there for a few moments.

"Well...maybe not that tired." I chuckled and jumped on him. I gave him the sloppiest kiss.

"Oh you're such a tease, Katie." He laughed as we play wrestled. He stopped and looked at me and pulled me down to kiss him as he slipped his shirt off my shoulders.

It was one of the most romantic night I could've ever asked for. 

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