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⊱ ───── {⋆Chapter 13: Help The Boy⋆} ───── ⊰

~ Felicity's POV ~

"You've been out for a few days," The grabber says as he walks over to the window in his room, and looks out the blinds. He comes over to me and unties me. "I'm taking you to the basement," He says, suddenly grabbing me up.

I groan, my stomach still in severe pain. "Why??" I question. Has he finally decided to kill me? "The Police are getting smarter, and so is Max, somehow you can't be up here," He says, literally dragging me down the stairs.

He opens the door and throws me in. "You can't leave me in here shithead!!" I scream at him. "Watch me" He smiles, before slamming the door shut. I get off of my knees and stand up.

I turn around and nearly have a heart attack, there's a boy. The boy from the grab-n-go. "Oh shit, you're Felicity Showalter," he says, I just walk over and sit on the mattress. "The one and only," I say unimpressed by having to repetitively meet someone, and then they die before me.

"Listen up kid, here's how this goes every time, I get thrown down here, with someone else, and every time I'm the one who gets to go back upstairs, while the other person dies ok, so don't bother talking to me" I grumble as I just lay back down on the mattress and close my eyes.

"Vance, Bruce.. Robin.. You met them right?" He says, I just give him a nod, and open my eyes. He looks at me for a moment like he's going to say something but he suddenly looks away. Right at that rusty old black phone.

"You good Kiddo?" I ask him, he raises an eyebrow. "The phone it's ringing again, I picked it up earlier, right before the door opened and someone said my name," he says. I look at him like he's fucking delusional, more than me.

"That phone doesn't work kiddo," I tell him, utterly confused. He just stands up and puts it to his ear.

I hear nothing come out of it, so I'm confused as fuck, when this motherfucker starts to respond, to thin air. I just sit and listen to him.

"I won't.. Who is this?... Why not??.. First thing you lose when??... How do you know my name?.... Bruce.. Bruce Yamada?" I say, this perks my attention, I kick the boy and he looks at me. "What the fuck" I tell him, and he puts a finger to his mouth.

Did this kid just fucking tell me to shush


~ Finneys POV ~

"Yeah.. Bruce.. I'm Bruce" Bruce responds. While Felicity looks at me like I'm sort of a freak.

"Your arm is mint.. You almost had me" bruce continues. "Did the phone ring for you?" I ask curiously, maybe Felicity just joking around, and she can hear it.

Catch Me If You Can // The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now