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⊱ ───── {⋆Chapter 14: Finally Free⋆} ───── ⊰

 ~ Felicity's POV ~

I was sitting on the sofa. Not really watching tv, but it was on. Max was beside me on the couch, and Albert was sitting on the floor.

"Did it hurt?" Max asked, and I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "What?" I ask, he bites his lip for a moment

"Albert said you were gone because you were in the hospital because you were in a car accident, that's why you look so beaten up," he says gesturing to my face when I presume there's a bruise on. I nod.

"Right, yeah, sorry, I must still have a concussion," I say giving him a weak smile, knowing damn well the only accident I was in, was being beaten by The Grabber.

On the tv, they were watching random channels, when there was a news broadcast interrupting the show. It was about the missing kids, and myself, and The Grabber quickly turned it off.

"Hey man what was that for?" Max said standing up, to face The Grabber, and The Grabber follows his actions.

"You're too obsessed with these, you need to take a break," The Grabber tells his younger brother, in a calm tone. "I'll take a break when The Grabber takes a break," He says, and I put a hand over my mouth so that I don't laugh out loud.

The Grabber looks at me and just scowls.

It's been a few days since Albert brought me back upstairs from being in the basement with Finney, and he hasn't tied me up. Which is good, I've trying to get on his good side, so I could possibly escape.

"I have to go to work, what are you going to do Amanda?" The Grabber says, asking me, making sure to use my alias. "Uhm, stay here and watch tv with Max?" I say, confused as to why he's giving me an option.

He just nods his head, and then walks out the front door. Oh. Ok.

For about 4 hours after The Grabber leaves, Max and I just sit and watch tv. I want to eave, but what if it's a test, and The grabber is just outside the door? I also think about telling Max, but I don't know if he'll believe me.

Suddenly Max pushes the tv to the side and pulls out something. "I'm going to let you in on my secret Amanda, look here, I've been trying to find the missing kids," Max says, and a wide smile appears on my face.

I stand up from the couch and walk over to him. He has a map, and things are drawn. He stares at it for a moment then looks at me.

"Wait.." He says, looking at the board, and back at me. "You- You're.." he starts to scramble,

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