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⊱ ───── {⋆Chapter 15: 10 Years Ever After⋆} ───── ⊰

~ Felicity's POV ~

Ever since the day The Grabber was arrested, a part of me has felt empty, like he stole something from inside me every time he would come near me. I hate it.

But it's been 10 years since then, so I've learned to try and forget it.
I'm married now, to a guy named Cory Matthews, and I took his last name, so now I'm Felicity Matthews instead of Showalter.

Together we have a 5-year-old son who I named Billy Matthews, after my brother obviously. Cory knows about what happened to my brother, and what I went through, he doesn't push me to talk about him, because he knows that I hate when someone mentions it. He makes me feel better about myself. He makes me feel.. Special.

I work for the local newspaper, and I'm their head journalist. I still live in Denver. I thought about leaving, but a part of me decided to stay because it helps me feel closer to my brother.

The news station decided to do an article on old psychopaths, and that leads me to where I am heading right now. Given my past, the station told me that I don't have to be a part of it, but I specifically asked to interview a specific old psychopath.
At first, they were unsure if it was smart or not, but I insisted that I had to be the one to do it. I need closure, and to be the first to hear the whole story.

The real story.

I'm currently sitting in the back of the news fan heading towards 'Starfall Lake Mental Institution' with my crew. To interview 'The Grabber'.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, honestly I'm terrified, but he's behind bars and cuffed up, he can't hurt me anymore. That's the only way I can reassure myself that everything will be there.

The van comes to a screeching halt and stops. My cameraman Johnny, and the sound crew follow behind me, as I Am the first to exit the van and make my way up the stairs.

Immediately when I enter I get a cold shiver down my spine. The place is dark and brim. We walk over to the front desk. "Hi, my name is Felicity Matthews, I'm here to interview The Grabber?" I say to the worker, she looks at me and nods. She says something into her walky-talky, and a big buff man approaches us. He leads us out of the entrance into a long hallway. "There's a couple of things you should know about The Grabber before talking to him" The man starts, but I cut him off. "Please, don't bother, I know more about him than you would think," I say trying to sound brave, but I let out a shaky breath at the end.

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