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Warning: mention of self harm

Author's pov

"Isn't that Jimin?" Jin asked, pointing at the blondie who is walking, with his head hung low. Jisoo looked at him.

"Yeah, that's Jimin. Jimin!" Jisoo called, but Jimin kept on walking. He couldn't hear them as he was mumbling something. Jisoo frowned.

"Eh? Can't he hear me? Should I call him louder? JIMIN!" Jisoo called again. This time she ran upto him, along with Jin. Jimin stopped this time and turned to where the sound came from. By that time Jin and Jisoo reached Jimin and gave him a tight hug.

Jimin widen his eyes, feeling awkward at the sudden hug, but tries not to show it. They pulled back. "Yah, what were you thinking this hard that you don't hear us!?" Jin said.

Jimin gave them an apologetic smile. "I was... reciting the notes for Chemistry. Mr. Lee will ask us, right?" He said.

Jisoo scratched her head. "We had to learn something?" She asked Jin, who just shrugs. "I don't know. Forget about that! Come on, let's go to the class together."

Jin pulled Jimin, by the shoulders walking ahead. Jisoo did the same. They keep talking about studies and other stuff.

Jimin suddenly asked, "Are you both twins?"

Jin and Jisoo frowned at Jimin on hearing what he just said. As if he grew out a horn! Before they laughed at him. "Me and Jisoo? Twins? We're not even the same age! What are you talking about? Haha.." Jin said.

"Yeah, I'm only 19 and he's 22!" Jisoo said. Jimin widen his eyes at that. Jin got flustered. He shrieked, "Yah! That wasn't necessary!" Jisoo shrugged at him, laughing. "It's the truth though."

Jimin chuckled, making Jin gasp at him. "Not you too, Jiminie!" The three laughing together. They reached their classroom soon enough where the others were at.

Namjoon saw Jin and smiled at him. "What is it Jin? You look so red. Did someone propose you or something?" The group laughed at him. Jin folded his arms over the chest, talking back, "And what if someone did propose to me? Will you get jealous? Joonie~"

Namjoon hated it when someone calls him Joonie. But now he didn't show any anger, that the others teased them, making sounds. Jennie scoffed, saying, "Just date already! You guys are so obvious!"

Namjoon and Jin blushed at the comment. Jimin noticed that too. He chucklesd at them. Their class tutor arrived soon enough. "Everyone go back to your seats!"
Lunch time~
Jimin pov

I thought I'll be having lunch alone, all by myself, but my newly made friends offered to sit with them! It feels nice. To eat together, talking with each other. All except for that Jungkook guy. He's been talking with someone on the call and doesn't eat with us.

"Hey, Jungkook! That's enough now, come and eat with us!" Namjoon called him.

Jungkook cut the call. I could see a bright smile on his face. He came back hoping like a giant bunny and hugged Namjoon. "Yah! I'm eating now, let go of me!" Namjoon whined.

Jungkook pulled back, still smiling. "She's coming, Namjoon! Lisa! She said she'll visit Lotte world, this weekend. I'm going to meet her!"

He said in an excited tone and proceed to bite Namjoon's arm...? What is wrong this guy!?

"YAH, WHY ARE YOU BITING ME!?" Namjoon yelled at him. Everyone shook their head, laughing at duo. I turned to Jennie and asked in a whisper, "Um... who is Lisa?"

Jennie replied, chuckling, "Jungkook's girlfriend! Man, he's so whipped for her~"

I just gave her an 'oh'. Hm, his girlfriend.. He did say he's dating someone. But why do I feel sad about that. Jungkook is no one to me!

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