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Update, cuz it's Jimin day! Enjoy

Jimin pov

Ha... It's been a month since I'd started college and I still didn't find who Thanos is. I'm getting more desperate, each day passing!

"Jimin! What do you want to have?" Seulgi asked me, ready to take my order.

"Uh... I'll just have the juice." I told her, timidly. We're at a bakery shop. It was Jisoo's birthday so it was her treat. So, we're having a lot more pastries and bakes than usual days. These people spend a lot just for food!

"Here!" Seulgi said, handing me, my juice bottle. I toom it and thanked her.

I went to sit on a bench, a bit far away. I glanced at them. I'm so jealous! They eat so much yet stay fit and healthy. And then there's me, who'd weight only by drinking water! Or atleast that's what mom says...

"Why are you siting here all alone, shortie?" I flinched at the sudden voice. I turned to whoever that is. It's that Jungkook!

"My name is Jimin! Not shortie!" I told him, as if nagging. He turned his face towards me, about to say something. But he stopped, looking down to my lips...? That's when I realised I was actually pouting at him. I turned away, feeling shy and stopped pouting. That was so childish. He chuckled, saying, "You're so..."

"What?" I asked him, to continue. But he smirked at me, shaking his head. What's with this guy!? Who cares! I went back to drinking my juice, sighing. I wanna know who's Thanos. But how....

"What are you sulking for, shortie?"
Jungkook asked again. I frowned at him, cuz he's calling me that name again! But he smiled, chanting, "Jiminie~"

I smirked when he called me that, but didn't show it too much. "Well, I'm searching for someone..." I muttered out, hesitantly.

"Yeah. Who is it? Maybe I can help."

"Why would you help me?" I asked. I mean, why is he asking this? And why is still here talking to me, instead of his friends!? I never thought we could have a talk this long without getting in a fight! Not that I wanted him to.

"Out of sympathy." Jungkook said, with a smug face. Exactly! Why else would he! I gave him a tight smile at him, with the same face he gave me. I told him, "Whatever! It's someone from our class."

"Mmhm." He humming, looking at his phone.

"I don't even know his name but I wanna know who he is!"

Jungkook chuckled. "You wanna know about him, but don't know his name and it's someone from our class? That's interesting! Kinda creepy tho~" I sighed but he said that.

He isn't wrong, though. Who would dream about someone, without knowing their face or even their!
Author's pov

"Come on. You must know something about him." Jungkook asked, when Jimin stopped talking.

"I do.. actually. His chat ID is Thanos. That's all I've got." Jimin whispered Jungkook nodded, but frowned when he took in what he just heard.

"What!?" Jungkook screamed, that Jimin jumped in his seat!

"H-Huh?" Jimin stuttered.

"You said his whatsapp ID is Thanos?"

"Yes. Do you know him?" Jimin asked, with his puppy eyes, all excited. He was so happy that he'd get to know the person he accidentally fell for!

Jimin didn't want to say it out to anyone though. But he atleast wanted to be his friend. That's all. Jimin still had those beaming eyes, waiting for Jungkook to answer, that it makes his burst out laughing!

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