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Author's pov

Jimin sighed again. He'd been sitting by the swings, trying to get his online friend to chat with him for the last ten minutes.

Hey, r u free now?


I'm kinda bored here. They all went to the big rides, but I'm scared of them...


It's really peaceful here. I like it


guess you're very busy...
I'll go watch the pool then

Jimin pouted. He missed the other a lot. "Ah, I feel so thirsty! Let me get a drink on the way. I'll buy some for the others too." He said, massaging his throat. He looked around for a drink stall.

"There might be one at the pool." Jimin said, walking to the pool area. As expected there were lots of people there. He felt suffocated to the crowd. "Um, can I get a cola, please?" Jimin asked the guy at the store. He nodded

"Sure! Anything else?"

"No, just that."

The guy served Jimin's drink asking, "Cash or card?"

"Card." Jimin said, giving his card to him, oblivious of the group of men, staring at him. He took his card back, thanking the guy, smiling.

He left the place with his drink and head towards a dark alley like place. The light setting made it look dark. Suddenly one of those men from before yanked him to a secluded area. Jimin gasped at the hold.


"Looks like you're loaded, kid." The man sneered at him. His friends surrounded Jimin as well.

"A black card? This can pay off my three generations with that!" Another one of them said, grabbing Jimin's waist. He forcefully covered Jimin's mouth with his hand. "And a damn pretty face, ey! Must be an omega!" He whispered.

Jimin winced at their hold and struggled to get out. 'What are they doing? Gross! Let go of me! M-my phone. I lost it somewhere. Where- gasp!'

Jimin widen his eyes when they groped his butt. He tried to remove their hands, but they tightened the grip on his wrists.

"Hm, wouldn't mind if he's not an omega when he's got this damn of a body. Let's take his money and him too! Haha!" Another man said, nuzzling into Jimin's neck. He licked Jimin all over there, making him go completely frozen. Too scared of moving a muscle! His mind flashed through various scenarios of what is about to happen to him. He started trembling with tears forming already. 'Help! Please, anybody...'

"Hey! What are you doing?"

A sudden voice broke into the commotion. The men looked at the one who interrupted them, but it's actually a group of people. While Jimin is too stunned that he looked at the people with terror struck eyes. The men push Jimin onto the ground and ran away.

"Hey, stop!" Two men ran after them. The rest, looked at Jimin who was now lying down, shaking too much and his skin was pale.

He couldn't hear them asking for his name and all. His mind was too fuzzed out, vision getting blurry. Suddenly a hand placed over his shoulder. Jimin flinched at the touch and looked up in a heartbeat.

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