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Nikki was sitting outside under a tree watching the evening sun fade behind the trees across the field in the distance.. She was upset and needed to shed her tears where no one could see or hear her as she thought about the events that had happened earlier in the day..
    It was supposed to have been just a simple run, no problems and no worries. They were just getting a few supplies needed for the up coming winter that was approaching fast so she and two other people from the group went with Rick and Daryl to a big abandoned clothing store. She rode in the back seat with Andrea and Shane while in the front seat was Daryl, Rick driving and Carol in the middle. Everyone was laughing and joking about she noticed Rick would glance at her through the rear view mirror everytime she laughed at one of his corny jokes.
  They got to their destination and decided to go with the buddy system so no one went into the store alone. Nikki was going with Rick and help him gather up supplies . Everyone went thier separate way and began going through the items.
She and Rick had come across some camping equipment and was focused on gathering as much as they possibly could when suddenly Rick was yelling and trying ti fight off a walker that had grabbed hi. By the right shoulder  she looked up when she heard the noise and instantly realized what was going on. She grabbed the knife that her father had given her before the world turned and stepped forward to stab the walker in the head before suddenly an arrow zipped through the air landing center forehead of the walker killing it instantly.  She looked over to see Daryl standing there with his crossbow raised he looked at her and said " you gotta be faster than that round here " he then gave a quick nod to Rick then turned and walked back the way he had came  Rick looked over at her then said  " thank goodness we have someone like him or I'd be gone now " she didn't know how to reply so she kept silent but she knew they all seen her as useless in the group.

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