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   Sitting alone in the small dark room you sat huddled in the corner shivering from the damp air the thin clothing you were wearing did nothing to hold off the chill . you glance around wondering how long he was going to keep you locked up would he ever come to let you out and what would happen to you if he did choose to open the door would he be the last person you would see before death came to take you away. Suddenly you heard what sounded like foot steps coming down the hall you knew that sound over the last few weeks you heard his voice and steps from the other side of the door as he passed by only this time you realized that he stopped right outside your door. Your heart started beating faster as you heard his deep voice " okay boys... Let's see how our guest is making the door" the sound of the lock being turned seemed to echo through the tiny room making it sound so much louder that it actually was causing you to jumped as the door swung open causing a stream of sunlight to fill the space you tried to shield your eyes from the sudden brightness as you looked up at the tall figure standing in the open doorway he grinned his evil grin " well well well you're still breathing..  Man I gotta say that's impressive . it impresses the shit out of me" you just continue to stare at the man that you swore would die at your hand you swore you would not give him the satisfaction of begging for your life as your family did you would not peak one word. He stood there looking down at you his head tilted slightly as if he was deep in thought then suddenly his voice broke the silence once again " let her get cleaned up the bring her to me ... It's time for a chat with my new little friend here... ."

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