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Nikki can sat on the back porch of the Green's farm house watching the setting of the sun move behind the trees across the field that was behind the house. She could hear their voices from inside and she knew exactly what the group was discussing.. Randell.. they were all meeting together and fighting with each other to see what was the best thing to do with him which was let him become part of the group or kill him and from the sounds of things it didn't sound like he'd be alive much longer. Nikki stayed outside while the meeting was going on she wanted no part of it. She herself was new to the group and she was scared they would decide to have another meeting about her fate as well. She noticed the voices had suddenly gone quiet and a few moments later Rick came storming outside stopping just a few feet from where she sat. She was always watching him from a distance and knew he was a good man . Thinking he was unaware of her presence it shocked her when. He suddenly looked over at her and spoke " why weren't you inside with everyone" she looked up at him " it's a group meeting" " and? You're part of us Nikki" she looked down then back at him " I'm new here also Rick so tell me.. did y'all have the same meeting about my fate" his eyes widen as he looked at her then he walked over to her kneeling in front of her " no..we didn't..we didn't need to... You helped us as we helped you and that my dear makes you one of us" he suddenly leaned forward as placed a kiss on her forehead then stood up walking down the stairs as he stepped off the last step he turned towards her again and spoke " next time there's a group meeting I expect to see you there... Understood?."  " Oh yes sir. Loud and clear" he suddenly suddenly grinned " hmmm I like that sir thing you got going keep it up Hun" causing her to roll her eyes at him and him to laugh as he made his way across the back yard

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