Chapter 3

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A/N Hi! So I might be posting stuff more often because I think I'm almost done writing the story but I'm not sure, so yeah! Hope everyone's enjoying the story so far!


Percy's POV

We appeared in a square, in front of us were two houses numbered 11 and 13.

"Our headquarters are Number 12, Grimmauld Place." Dumbledore said.

"But there's no- woah!" I gasped as the two houses slid apart as a third one appeared. Its number was 12.

Dumbledore opened the front door and let everyone file into the house. All of a sudden, a plump, kind looking woman with red hair like Ron's came up the stairs from what I guessed was the kitchen. "You must be Percy, dear. I'm Molly Weasley. Come down to the kitchen, I've made you some dinner."

I followed Mrs. Weasley and gratefully accepted food. I hadn't eaten anything but a cookie since breakfast, Annabeth and I had missed lunch. I wolfed it down. I stood up to put my dish away, but Mrs. Weasley grabbed it from me and put it in the sink to clean.

"Oh, Mrs Wesley, I can-" I began, but I was cut off.

"Nonsense! You're our guest and we have to treat you like one. Now, let me show you to your room."

She led me up to a room with two bunk beds in it. Two beds had already been claimed, so I put my bag on one of the empty ones.

"I'll leave you to get settled in!" Mrs. Weasley said, turning around and heading back downstairs.

I opened my bag and searched until I found a crystal and a drachma. I then went to the bathroom and used the crystal and the water to create a rainbow. Then, paying Annabeth had received my note, I threw the drachma in, saying, "Oh Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth at Camp Half-Blood."

I thought I heard a noise behind the bathroom door, but I turned around and there was nothing there. When I turned back, the mist showed Annabeth showing a few younger campers her necklace with beads from every year she had been at Camp.

"Annabeth!" I called to get her attention.

She turned and saw me, her face a mix of relief and rage. "Finally! You better explain everything to me! A note that says 'I got kidnapped by wizards, will IM you later' is not helpful!"

I explained the situation. When I was done, Annabeth said "We'd better go, our time is almost up and it's past curfew, if the Harpies catch me I am so dead. I'll try to get a quest, but Rachel isn't back from her vacation with her parents yet and we'll need a prophecy. Don't get yourself killed."

"I love you, Wise Girl."

"I love you, Seaweed Brain."

The Iris Message disconnected.

Hermione's POV

As I walked up to my room, I heard someone talking in the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar, so I knocked and then pushed it open. Percy was standing in the middle of the room while the tap was spraying mist and a prism was sitting on the counter.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "I heard voices."

"Oh, yeah, I was just...calling my girlfriend."

"...Okay." I said. Something about that felt strange, but I wasn't going to push it further when we had barely met. "Goodnight!" I said and then I turned and started walking up to the girls room.

"Hey, Hermione?" Percy asked.


"If anything unusual happens tonight, look in my backpack."

Demigods and Wizards (Because the fates hate Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now