Chapter 4

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Thanks to @Saerera for voting on my story. It really means a lot!

Percy's POV

We entered a big building made of marble with big brown doors. As we passed through, we saw another set of doors. We went through those doors and entered a big room with lots of desks with weird creatures sitting at them.

"What are those?" I whispered to Hermione.

"Goblins." She replied

Hermione, Harry and I went up to one goblin while the Weasleys went to another.

"Name? He asked us. Harry and Hermione stated their names and handed over their keys, not looking at each other. When I said my name, the goblin said "Perseus Jackson. Your father deposited some money here for you long ago."

We got onto a little cart and rode down to our separate vaults. First, Hermione's, which was full of muggle money that changed to wizard money when she grabbed it, then Harry's, then mine, which was full of wizard coins and Drachmas. I shoved some into my bag and we rode back up to the surface where the whole Weasley Family was waiting for us. We all went back out to Diagon Alley. First we went and got our robes. I'm pretty sure they were made for the sole reason of making kids uncomfortable. While we got our robes, Mrs. Weasley went and got all our school books. Then we went to the wand shop. It looked small and old, with faded gold letters over the door that I couldn't read.

"What does that say?" I asked Hermione.

"Ollivanders,'' she responded. "Can't you read?" She asked.

"I'm dyslexic." I said.

We walked into the shop. It was crammed with shelves full of thin boxes.

"Mr. Ollivander?" Hermione called.

An old man came from the back of the shop. He had pale silver eyes and hair and white skin.

"Ahh... Perseus Jackson," Ollivander said. "I have been waiting a long time to meet you."

He grabbed a few boxes off of the shelves and opened the first.

"Ash wood and unicorn hair, rigid, 13 inches. Give it a try."

I waved the wand and the overhead light exploded, showering glass over the ground.

"No," Ollivander pried the wand from my hands and gave me another. "Blackthorn and Phoenix Feather, springy, 11¾ inches."

I waved it and a shelf tipped over. Hermione shrieked and jumped out of the way as it hit the ground where she had been standing. It went on like this for almost an hour before Ollivander ran to the back of the shop and came back holding another box.

"Your father gave this to me long ago and I think it's time I sold it." He said. "Elder wood and coral, swishy, 14½ inches."

I took it in my hand. I waved it. Everything in the shop that I wrecked had repaired itself. The faint smell of sea salt filled the air.

"I think we found my wand." I said.

"That will be 14 galleons." Said Ollivander.

I paid and we exited the shop. Harry and Ron were waiting outside for us.

"Only one last thing." Hermione said. "An owl."

"Oh, no," I said. "Owls and I don't really get along."

"C'mon, Percy," Said Hermione, dragging me along behind her. "It can't be that bad."

The second we entered the owl shop, every single owl swooped down at me, pecking at me as I covered my face with my arms and exited the shop.

Hermione followed me out, laughing. "What'd you do to make owls hate you that much?"

I brushed off the question. "We should meet back up with everyone else."

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